Financial Reporting

Ensuring an Effective Approach to Budgeting

Having strict budget variance review processes facilitates meaningful conversations throughout the year and reduces the likelihood that spending will rise above budget targets.

Jeff Goldstein November 10, 2016

Ask the Experts: Physician Office Staffing

At what size should a medical practice consider hiring a controller and what is the current salary for such a position?

HFMA August 9, 2016

Ask the Experts: EHR Software

Is it acceptable practice to retire fully depreciated EHR software or any percentage given that numerous upgrades have occurred?

HFMA July 11, 2016

HFMA’s P&P Board Comments on GASB’s Proposed Statement on Leases

HFMA has a long-standing recommendation to GASB to avoid differences between private-sector and public-sector standards that cannot be justified by fundamental differences between the two sectors.

HFMA June 8, 2016

Ask the Experts: Hospital Financial Statistics

What is the average amount of time to be used to calculate accounts receivable (A/R) days and days cash-on-hand?

HFMA May 12, 2016

Requests for Health Information on the Rise

Healthcare reform, value-based payment, and increasing audit scrutiny make it increasingly important that hospitals improve their data sharing capabilities.

HFMA May 12, 2016

Using Audits to Improve Compliance, Cut Future Audit Risk

Several steps can help hospitals and health systems leverage audits and their results to increase compliance and reduce financial risks from future audits.

Dawn Crump May 12, 2016

Ask the Experts: 340B Status

What tips or strategies can you offer related to managing our SSI ratio as it relates to maintaining our 340B drug assistance status?

HFMA May 10, 2016

How Minnesota Safety Net Providers Found Success in a Medicaid Alternative Payment Model

A combination of preparation; using data to stratify patients by risk category; and integrating primary care, behavioral health, and social services is helping Minnesota safety net providers succeed in a Medicaid accountable care initiative.

Andis Robeznieks April 7, 2016

Finding Success in the Physician Feedback Program/Value-Based Modifier

By taking certain steps, physician practices can make the most of CMS’s quality outcome feedback and payment program.

Andis Robeznieks February 11, 2016
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