Accounting and Financial Reporting

Time Is Money: Aurora Health’s 5-Month Cost Accounting Journey

Recognizing the intense multidisciplinary effort required to implement cost accounting, Aurora Health followed a step-by-step approach that emphasized structure, validation, training, maintenance, and optimization. 

Patrick Nolan April 10, 2018

12-Year Trend Shows Steady Rise in Acute Care Hospital Administrative and General Costs

An analysis of Medicare cost reports shows that U.S. Hospitals saw a gradual increase in their administrative and general costs from 2004 through 2016. 

William Shoemaker March 21, 2018

340B Hospitals and Drugmakers Battle Over Transparency

March 16—Supporters and critics of the 340B discount drug program agree that more transparency is needed, but they remain sharply divided over who needs to be transparent and what such reporting should include.

Rich Daly March 16, 2018

Optimizing a Physician Practice Acquisition

Thoughtful strategies surrounding physician practice acquisition can help set the stage for success.

Ken Bradley March 6, 2018

ALOS Analysis Reveals Significant Regional Variances

An analysis of average length of stay looking at U.S. hospitals identified noteworthy variation among states within each of four regions.

HFMA March 1, 2018

Healthcare Consumerism Requires Comparable Quality and Cost Data

Provider organizations and health plans can advance the use of cost and performance data to support consumerism, as collaboratives in Massachusetts and Minnesota are showing.

Lola Butcher February 20, 2018

Ask the Experts:  Denial Write-Offs

What is the best practice target for denial write-offs as a percent of net revenue? 

HFMA February 16, 2018

Healthcare Cost Containment: October 2017

Subscribers can access the February 2018 issue of Healthcare Cost Containment.

HFMA February 8, 2018

Flu Vaccine Helps Avoid More than 70,000 Hospitalizations

CDC estimates that if vaccination rates increased by just 5 percentage points across the entire population, another 6,000 influenza-associated hospitalizations could have been avoided. 

HFMA February 8, 2018

Working Smarter: Using Control Charts to Tackle the High Cost of Clinical Variation

Consistent, accurate, and timely clinical reporting has the power to prompt care teams to adhere to clinical protocols and be mindful of how they stack up against peers and national benchmarks.

Jennie Dulac February 8, 2018
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