Accounting and Financial Reporting

OPPS rule to bring many hospital financial challenges — and a little help

The long-awaited Medicare proposed rule for hospital outpatient payments includes a high-profile mandate on hospitals to release rates negotiated with commercial health plans, among other regulations that could pose financial challenges. Several smaller provisions could help hospitals.

Rich Daly July 31, 2019

Top 5 episode-analytics questions answered

As healthcare providers continue to move toward value-based care models, data and analytics will continue to play an important role. In 2017 alone, U.S. hospitals cared for over 36.5 million admissions. As this number continues to grow, providers will need to understand their patients not only as they pass through their own care journey, but…

Jenn Adam July 30, 2019

Verma points to hospitals as the largest driver of healthcare costs

The Trump administration’s Medicare leader singled out hospitals as the leading driver of healthcare cost increases.

Rich Daly July 25, 2019

Rural-state hospitals hail changes to Medicare wage index

Rural-state hospitals strongly back a proposed Medicare area wage index (AWI) change, but national hospital advocates are warning against it.

Rich Daly July 10, 2019

Why hospitals are struggling to make headway improving cost accounting capabilities

Hospital executives say results of a new HFMA study are true: A range of higher-profile priorities, including simple survival, has kept their organizations from improving their cost-accounting abilities for almost a decade.

Rich Daly July 2, 2019

Improving the patient financial experience starts with us

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses new legislative proposals related to consumerism in the context of HFMA’s best practices.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA June 30, 2019

Executive orders on price transparency

HFMA’s Chad Mulvany provides insight on the Trump Administration’s June 24 executive order aimed at improving price and quality transparency.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 28, 2019

Hospital executives urge colleagues to comment on upcoming transparency rules

Hospital and health leaders were urged by their colleagues to watch for and comment on coming rules implementing this week’s White House executive order on price transparency.

Rich Daly June 28, 2019

HFMA Chair to finance leaders: I dare you to move

HFMA Chair urges attendees “dare to move” to address challenges in healthcare finance.

Rich Daly June 26, 2019

Hospitals express concerns on latest transparency order

A new transparency executive order will require proposed rules within two months that could require release of negotiated hospital health plan rates.

Rich Daly June 25, 2019
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