Financial Reporting

Provider Relief Fund update: HHS drops requirement for providers to net attributable expenses

The latest change to Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements may allow providers to retain more federal COVID-19 assistance grants thanks to tweaked definitions around lost revenue..

Rich Daly November 6, 2020

Physicians score well in Quality Payment Program but receive little for it

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) program needs to be simplified to allow all providers to participate without it being overly burdensome.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2020

CMS finalizes requirement for hospitals to report MA plan rates

In the FY21 IPPS final rule, CMS expanded controversial negotiated-price reporting requirements.

Rich Daly November 2, 2020

HFMA’s online Community continues to grow and evolve

The completion of HFMA’s major upgrade to its online Community platform just as COVID-19 pandemic was provided an improved networking experience and way to get answers to healthcare finance industry questions.

Melanie Binder October 30, 2020

6 common ground healthcare issues that may help in overcoming discord

In the nation's current political climate and the prevailing partisan divide, healthcare is home to six issues where there is political common ground that could lead to bipartisan solutions.

Ken Perez October 29, 2020

Hospitals predict significant shifts in payer mix, revenue cycle operations post pandemic

In an HFMA conducted survey, 151 healthcare leaders answered questions about their projections for payer mix, consumer and employee experience strategies, revenue cycle IT budgets, electronic health record satisfaction and price transparency preparedness.

HFMA October 29, 2020

Ripple effects of the pandemic on the move toward value

In this HFMA executive roundtable, seven executives for health systems and health plans share how the pandemic has impacted their organization’s move toward value — and what it will take to foster transparency and trust under these models.

HFMA October 27, 2020

In partial win for providers, HHS revises COVID-19 grant reporting

HHS revised guidance affecting $100 billion in Provider Relief Fund grants after pushback from providers.

Rich Daly October 26, 2020

Updated reporting requirements for the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: What providers need to know

New HHS guidance on reporting obligations for CARES Act Provider Relief Fund recipients could prove troublesome for providers that are caught off guard by the changes.

Matthew R. Hutt, CPA, CGMA October 23, 2020

Continued growth in employer-paid healthcare premiums may spur employers to find alternative solutions

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says large employers have signaled a possible end to their patience for traditional players to provide a traditional solution, and he reviews what solutions they could pursue instead.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 22, 2020
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