Cost of Care

Healthcare News of Note: Oracle once again extends its tender offer to acquire Cerner, indicates further extensions are likely

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Oracle again has extended its tender offer to acquire Cerner, a new report quantifies the impact of the U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program, and healthcare is one of the top industries attracting former low-wage earners.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Significant social risk is just one reason some consumers struggle with healthcare

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Consumers with significant social risk likely face other barriers to healthcare, some physicians may need interventions to boost their vaccine confidence, and U.S. residents’ life expectancy declines again.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: New CMS data set makes hospital and skilled nursing facility ownership changes more transparent

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: CMS releases a new report on healthcare provider ownership, a new report examines the consequences of the pandemic for Black Americans, and 34% of nurses plan to leave their current job in 2022.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Nationwide shortages of nurses, physicians and pharmacy techs drag on as surveys show clinician burnout levels continue to spike

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Healthcare professional shortages drag on as burnout levels continue to spike, Civica plans to enter the insulin market, and Medicare Advantage is now 45% of all Medicare enrollment.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Oracle again extends its $28.3B tender offer to acquire Cerner

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: The Oracle/Cerner deal is back in the news, medical debt is causing Americans across generations to skip rent or mortgage payments, and empathetic leaders have a positive effect on employee innovation and engagement.

Deborah Filipek June 21, 2022

How HFMA/Boise State master’s degree cohort members are putting new knowledge to work

Abby Birch, Grayson Johnston and Jacob Dalmas, three members of the first HFMA/Boise State master's in Population and Health Systems Management cohort, discuss their experiences in the program.

Deborah Filipek June 1, 2022

Digestive diseases led increase in treatment costs over the last two decades, analysis finds

A new study quantifies the extent to which treating disease has become increasingly expensive since just before the turn of the century.

Nick Hut May 30, 2022

Hospital prices increasingly are coming under a microscope

Newly issued reports and policy recommendations are examining hospital prices in the context of high healthcare costs.

Nick Hut May 20, 2022

Latest financial metrics for hospitals show reasons for optimism but also persistent challenges

Hospital financial performance partially recovered in March as patient volumes returned to something closer to normal after a significant downturn during the omicron wave.

Nick Hut May 4, 2022

News Briefs: Federal funding bill addresses hospitals’ 340B eligibility concerns, extends telehealth waivers

A monthly roundup of top news for healthcare finance professionals.

Nick Hut March 29, 2022
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