Cost of Care

Providing healthcare organizations with the right data to understand cost and margins

To address the healthcare industry’s challenges in waste, cost of care and inefficient data usage, one company discusses its support system to assist in decision support and for understanding cost and margins.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Health Services Financing helps providers offer all patients a touchless financing program

One company uses its patient financing program to address patient access to care and the rising cost of healthcare, two of healthcare’s biggest challenges.

HFMA August 31, 2022

The shift toward integrated pharmacy services: driving long-term success

One driving factor for health systems and hospitals shift to in-house integration pharmacy services is average turnaround time. For an outsourced specialty pharmacy, turnaround is 10 to 14 days, whereas an in-house specialty pharmacy can reduce that time to just 2.1 days.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Hospital financial metrics took another downturn in July, new report finds

The negative financial performance in July offset moderate gains during the previous few months, according to Kaufman Hall’s monthly report.

Nick Hut August 30, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Cancer is now the top driver of large employers’ healthcare costs

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: The No. 1 driver of healthcare costs for large employers is cancer, the gender pay gap for physicians has gotten larger, and NRC Health names the top facilities for consumer loyalty and patient experience.

Deborah Filipek August 29, 2022

Final rule for Medicare inpatient payments brings a big rate increase but falls short of what hospitals sought

The final rule for Medicare inpatient payments to acute care hospitals calls for a 4.3% increase, up by more than a percentage point from the proposed rule.

Nick Hut August 3, 2022

Medicare payment updates in 3 final rules could foreshadow good news for hospitals

For hospices, inpatient psychiatric facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities, updated economic forecasting data resulted in payment increases of at least 1% relative to the proposed rules.

Nick Hut August 2, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: Americans have less confidence in the nation’s healthcare system

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Confidence in the U.S. healthcare system dips again, the median proposed health insurance premium increase for 2023 is about 10%, and improved oral care in hospitals can prevent pneumonia.

Deborah Filipek August 1, 2022

In an inflationary environment, pending Medicare payment updates don’t measure up

Consumer-focused inflation numbers aren’t as significant in healthcare as in other sectors, but prices are hampering hospitals and health systems.

Nick Hut July 25, 2022

HFMA’s Annual Conference: Joe Fifer calls on healthcare organizations to find ways to better address holistic health issues

Healthcare stakeholders must embrace a broader concept of health to enhance the welfare of their communities, according to a pair of talks Monday at HFMA’s Annual Conference.

Nick Hut June 27, 2022
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