
Over the MOON about the NOTICE Act

Although many healthcare leaders applaud the fact that there is plenty of time to prepare for MOON requirements, there are lingering concerns, including limited patient education in the form and requirements for translating the form into other languages.

J. Stuart Showalter November 16, 2016

NYU Langone Medical Center Achieves Cost Reductions Through Rehab Fine-Tuning

Early mobilization and other strategies cut length of stay, acute rehab utilization, and post-acute costs. The medical center’s ICU project alone yields $1.5 million in savings.

Robert Fojut November 15, 2016

Addressing Challenges Presented by Financial Assistance Rules

Although the vast majority of hospitals have been working to implement IRS regulations for patient financial assistance, healthcare leaders should focus on potential problem areas because compliance with all the requirements is necessary to qualify for tax-exempt status.

J. Stuart Showalter October 12, 2016

Video: Critical Steps Toward 501(r) Compliance

Hospital financial assistance policies should be easily accessible by patients, and staff should be trained to explain the policies and assess patient eligibility.

HFMA October 12, 2016

Contracting for Chronic Disease Management

Illinois Gastroenterology Group negotiated a specialty intensive medical home contract with the state’s largest private payer.

Lola Butcher October 11, 2016

How Ochsner Health System Uses E-Signatures and Self Check-In to Drive Patient Satisfaction

Ochsner Health System’s efficient check-in process addresses patients’ demand for convenience and expediency and saved the health system approximately $48,000 by decreasing document volume.

Lisa A. Eramo October 11, 2016

You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure: A Practical Guide for Population Health Management

Measuring population health strategies requires combining diverse sets of data, thinking like a payer, and identifying gaps in care.

Christian Wieland October 5, 2016

Partnering With Healthcare Purchasers

Mount Sinai Health System partnered with a trade union to develop a bundled-payment program designed to improve patient outcomes and reduce the purchaser’s costs.

Lola Butcher August 10, 2016

Does Price Transparency Work?

A recent Harvard study shows no patient spending decrease, but its parameters may overlook some key strategies.

Erin Murphy August 9, 2016

Finding Value in Healthcare Innovation Centers

Henry Ford Health System is bringing new ideas to market through its innovation center, which is called the Innovation Institute.

Laura Ramos Hegwer August 9, 2016
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