The Future of Healthcare Organizations Depends on Managing Medicare Costs
A healthcare thought leader explains the current Medicare payment system challenges and how CFOs can offset future Medicare cuts through cost containment.
NLRB Reverses ‘Joint Employer’ Decision
Although joint employer status is less likely now in the wake of recent NLRB decisions, hospitals are cautioned to involve labor relations counsel in drafting any subcontracting or outsourcing arrangements.
Video: Tips for Secure Medical Record Transmission to Payers
Common mistakes are not using security options to send records and not tracking what data or claims are sent.
Advancing Contracting Strategy in a Complex Environment
Providers should approach their contracting portfolios with the intent to drive value creation across all payers and products. Likely challenges will be narrow networks and tiering and the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care.
MD Anderson Shares Positive Social Media Experiences
MD Anderson finds the use of social media to benefit not only the organization and its employees but also the community at large.
Unintended Consequences: Patient Privacy in the Age of Social Media
Although a valuable tool for clinical treatment, patient education, and marketing, social media can easily violate hospital legal and ethical confidentiality standards. Seemingly innocent actions such as referring to patient cases or posting videos or photographs that include patient faces can be problematic.
The Pros and Cons of Recourse and Nonrecourse Patient Financing
Considerations for outsourced patient financing include evaluating impact on patient experiences and day-to-day plan administration, as well as options that fit hospitals’ patient populations.
A Population Health ‘A-Ha’ Moment: Focusing Care Coordination on the Right Patients
Predictive data models can point to who will be hospitalized next year with accuracy that frequently surprises health practitioners.
Survey Underscores Growing Importance of Compliance and Ethics Training
In general, compliance professionals are not satisfied with the level of training provided to their boards. A lack of effective training could open organizations up to lawsuits and litigation.
Designated Health Services Under the Stark Law
The Stark Law lists designate health services that are targeted to address overutilization.