Ask the Experts: Inpatient Versus Outpatient Health Plan Billing
Is it legal to charge an inpatient for outpatient services provided by another facility?
Ask the Experts: Handling Patients Who Provide False Identities
Are there any policies or workflow processes for handling emergency department patients who misrepresent their identities?
Ask the Experts: Managed Care Contracting Benchmarks
Do you know of other avenues besides our state Department of Insurance that we can pursue to resolve health plan payment issues?
Ask the Experts: Billing for Non-Physician Staff
How should we bill New York Medicaid when there are providers that are not hospital employees providing services in an emergency department setting?
Ask the Experts: Budget Staffing
Do you have a single position responsible for the capital and operating budget function across your health system, or is the function spread out with positions responsible for a specific function such as operating budget separate from capital and fixed assets?
Ask the Experts: Chargemaster Updates
Are members of the group assessing their chargemasters annually? What do they consider when deciding which charges to increase and by how much?
Ask the Experts: HIPAA Compliance for Minors
Are there any special HIPAA considerations when treating children (minors) who are living in group homes?
Ask the Experts: Stat Order Designation
I am seeking guidance on time frames that define stat orders, patient financial liability waivers for stat orders, and health system liability if patients wait to receive tests ordered as stat.
Ask the Experts: RAC Reserves on Balance Sheets
How should hospitals account for RAC reserves on their balance sheets?
Ask the Experts: Managed Care Contracting Benchmarks
I am trying to find benchmarking information regarding managed care contracting.