
High-Deductible Plans Surge: CDC

Aug. 28—Despite recent data indicating a reversal in the trend toward high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), a national federal survey found enrollment surged in 2018 to include nearly half of the privately insured. 

Rich Daly August 29, 2018

Next Gen ACO Savings Could Bolster Medicare ACO Changes

Aug. 27—The most advanced Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs) saved $100 million in their first year, according to a new report. And such savings could bolster Medicare’s proposed transition to greater risk for other ACOs, some industry watchers said.

Rich Daly August 28, 2018

Hospitals Identify Needed Stark Reforms

Aug. 24—Hospitals and their advocates urged specific regulatory changes to the enforcement of federal anti-referral laws, even as some industry stakeholders raised concerns about potential changes.

Rich Daly August 27, 2018

Aug. 27-31: Individual Market Rates Roll in Amid Tweaks

Aug. 23—States are scrambling to implement last-minute supports for the individual-insurance markets, even as 2019 rates begin to be finalized.

Rich Daly August 24, 2018

Even Successful Medicare ACOs Lose Money: Analysis

Aug. 22—Accountable care organizations (ACOs) that succeeded in earning bonuses from Medicare garnered less revenue than they would have under the fee-for-service (FFS) payment system, a recent analysis found.

Rich Daly August 23, 2018

ACA Medicaid Enrollment Draws Administration Scrutiny

Aug. 21—States that broadly exceeded their Medicaid expansion enrollment projections will be among those targeted in recently launched eligibility audits, a senior administration official told Congress this week.

Rich Daly August 22, 2018

Administration Touts Some Drug Price Improvements

Aug. 20—One hundred days after the Trump administration’s release of a blueprint to cut drug costs and out-of-pocket expenses, administration officials touted some signs of progress.

Rich Daly August 21, 2018

ACO Advocates Warn on Program Overhaul

Aug. 13—A proposed overhaul of Medicare’s primary accountable care organization (ACO) program could cause massive departures, advocates for the entities warned soon after it was issued.

Rich Daly August 14, 2018

Bundled Payment Deals Prompt Hospitals to Rethink Relationships with SNFs

Aug. 14—Hospital and health system CFOs who are trying to make bundled payments work may find an answer in closer clinical alignment with skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), according to a new study.

David Burda August 14, 2018

Rewarding Investment in Social Determinants of Health

Aug. 10—Healthcare providers and health insurers would be far more likely to spend money on health-improving social programs if they could count on a monetary return on their investment.

David Burda August 10, 2018
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