
3 objectives for an innovative and practical revenue cycle work-from-home program

To develop a sustainable remote-work policy for revenue cycle staff, healthcareganizations must address concerns about staff morale, team cohesion and protection of cash flow.

Michael L. Duke July 31, 2020

Make your cloud transformation endure: 5 steps for a lasting enterprise cloud strategy

A strategy-focused article about implementing a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, which focuses on the role of planning, teamwork, communication and continuous performance monitoring.

HFMA May 18, 2020

HFMA’s Region 5 raises more than $17k for Charleston, South Carolina, nonprofit, Amor Healing Kitchen

HFMA’s Region 5 came together during the Southeastern Summit to donate $17,320 to Amor Healing Kitchen, a Charleston nonprofit, which serves freshly cooked food to people with cancer or other illnesses.

HFMA May 5, 2020

Enhanced care coordination provides a blueprint for optimal healthcare, former VA Secretary David Shulkin says

The U.S. healthcare system will thrive if leaders and policymakers take steps to promote holistic care and better access, says David Shulkin, MD, former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Nick Hut May 5, 2020

Cardiac Surgical Product Adoption Survey

Survey analysis reveals important learnings from a February 2020 HFMA-conducted study, sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences, about cardiac surgical product adoption.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Physician Compensation Systems Survey

Survey analysis reveals important learnings from a February 2020 HFMA-conducted study, sponsored by Ludi, about physician compensation.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Factors that Influence Cardiac Surgical Technology Purchases

A visual analysis of a February 2020 HFMA survey about factors that influence cardiac surgical technology decisions.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Survey: Understanding and mitigating risk in compensating physicians

Important learnings from a February 2020 HFMA-conducted survey about physician compensation, where healthcare organization leaders offer insights on the complexities of the process.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Survey: Hospitals overspending on corporate services could reduce costs without impacting quality

Important learnings from a November 2019 HFMA-conducted survey about corporate services spending patterns and how organizations could be more efficient and effective with their spend.

HFMA April 30, 2020

Online community value is apparent amid the COVID-19 outbreak

There has been a surge of activity in HFMA's Community groups since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as HFMA members seek to share insights with their peers to help them respond to the crisis.

Melanie Binder April 29, 2020
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