
Prioritization helps drive success in healthcare

A survey found that the most successful healthcare organizations are those that embrace consumerism and proactively seek ways to better meet patient needs.

Jeni Williams August 26, 2022

61% of hospitals say future compliance with price transparency will impact financial processes: HFMA poll

An HFMA-Strata survey found 61% of hospitals and health systems are revamping financial processes in light of price transparency.

Lisa Eramo, MA August 27, 2021

40% of hospitals reconsidering traditional budgeting amid pandemic: HFMA poll

A n October 2020 HFMA survey, by Strata Decision Technology, found that the COVID-19 pandemic prompted many U.S. hospitals to consider moving from a traditional budgeting process to rolling forecasting, with one in five already having made the move.

Lisa Eramo, MA April 5, 2021

Risk contracting: Outlook and success factors for hospitals and health systems

An December 2020 HFMA survey, sponsored by GHX, found high levels of optimism, overall regarding the future of value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

Implications of the HFMA-GHX study of risk-based contracting

In this article discussing implications of the findings of a December 2020 HFMA study, sponsored by GHX, healthcare leaders share their perspectives on key factors contributing to their organizations' success under value-based contracts.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

An organization’s consumer strategy must change with the times

Telemedicine and teleworking are up, employment is down, and healthcare leaders are working to balance it all.

Erika Grotto March 1, 2021
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