
The (Non-financial) Benefits of Reducing Unnecessary Lab Testing

Quality improvement projects that focus on more efficient management of resources may improve patient satisfaction and result in modest cost savings.

Alden W. Hall January 29, 2018

Telebehavioral Health: The ROI for Long-Term Care

To understand the financial impact of telebehavioral health services in long-term care facilities, a study compared the financial performance of facilities with telehealth services with that of facilities without such services. 

Louis Rossiter January 29, 2018

Overcoming Common Obstacles of Transitioning to Electronic Insurer-to-Provider Payments

A Pennsylvania health plan worked with providers to implement electronic payments and eliminate the issues of paper checks.

Bob Hough January 29, 2018

Safeguarding Electronic Protected Health Information: A Non-Techie Guide for Healthcare Leaders

Cybersecurity remains one of the biggest risks in health care yet is grossly underfunded by many healthcare organizations.

Chetan Parikh January 29, 2018

It Takes a Multifaceted Approach

Premier Inc. partners with health systems to improve how specialty pharmacy patients are managed across the continuum, enabling collaboration while driving improvement in cost and quality outcomes.

HFMA January 25, 2018

Trendsetter: Re-envisioning Patient Identification

This article discusses how Imprivata is transforming the patient identification process, leveraging next-generation biometric solutions to ensure accuracy and improve efficiency.

HFMA January 25, 2018

Ensemble Health Partners: Driving Revenue Cycle Innovation

Judson Ivy, president of Ensemble Health Partners, discusses the value of revenue cycle outsourcing and the importance of selecting the right partner.

HFMA January 25, 2018

HFMA Executive Roundtable: Pursuing a Data Driven Revenue Cycle

By monitoring key performance indicators and employing data analytics, healthcare organizations can uncover critical revenue cycle performance opportunities. In this roundtable, several revenue cycle leaders discuss how they use data analytics and the benefits they’ve seen.

HFMA January 25, 2018

Change Healthcare: Accelerating Revenue Cycle Transformation

Jason Williams, vice president for strategy and business analytics, Change Healthcare, discusses the importance of technology and technology-enabled services in reinventing the revenue cycle.

HFMA January 25, 2018

When Push Becomes Pull: The Next Phase of the Transition to Value

The healthcare industry’s transition to value-based payment will likely continue, driven by physician interest in advanced alternative payment models.

Chad Mulvany January 9, 2018
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