
Summary checklist for assessing readiness for value-based care

Healthcare finance leaders should use a checklist to assess their readiness to pursue value-based contracting.

HFMA May 19, 2019

A timeline guide to developing an ACO/CIN

Healthcare organizations seeking to establish a an accountable care organization (ACO) or clinically integrated network (CIN) should allow for an eight-year, five-phase process

HFMA May 19, 2019

Deceased Medicare beneficiary admissions: Accounting for the causes and impacts

Just over 3 percent of Medicare admissions end with the death of the patient. This finding is based on data from fiscal years 2015 through 2017 reported in the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) file. As would be expected, the time and resources required to treat a beneficiary who is near death and ultimately…

HFMA May 19, 2019

Provider nimbleness required for diverse value-based healthcare models

Many providers are in the throes of implementing strategies for value-based health care. But now they must adapt to an environment characterized by diverse value-based care models, new players, and more data to discern provider value. To weather the next decade, the key attribute providers will need is nimbleness—a challenge in an industry not known…

Theresa Hush May 19, 2019

Reconsidering post-acute care options

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer highlights the need to consider post-acute care in the context of reducing the total cost of care.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA May 16, 2019

How to advance projects amid rising capital costs

What is the significance of rising capital costs for healthcare organization’s construction projects and how planning can account for it.

Kelly Arduino May 16, 2019

Making sense of Trump’s 2020 budget proposals for healthcare

Congress is almost certain not to accept president Trump’s proposed budget for FY20 with its cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, but he is not the first president to propose a budget that has little chance of being accepted.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD May 14, 2019

Strategic Partnerships in An Era of Value

Healthcare organizations are diving into partnership business models to leverage expertise, advanced analytics, and emerging technologies.

Helen Stewart February 26, 2019

Introducing a Road Map for Advanced Cost Accounting

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses the new cost accounting model launched as a collaboration between HFMA and Strata Decision Technology.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA February 26, 2019

The Value of Financial Analytics

Data analytics and business intelligence are essential tools for effectively managing the financial performance of healthcare organizations.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA February 26, 2019
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