Finance and Business Strategy

Analysis: Taking healthcare to the street is effective for patients and reduces healthcare costs

Healthcare can be more medically effective and cost effective by removing barriers, establishing relationships and engaging patients with interventions that begin where the patient is, including living on the streets.

Katie Gilfillan December 2, 2019

The price of innovation: 3 steps for managing specialty drug costs

Health plans can help control the cost of specialty drugs by communicating with providers about appropriate treatments, integrating coordination of pharmacy and medical benefits and implementing fixed-price models.

Emad Rizk, MD December 2, 2019

Analysis: How traditional healthcare providers can compete with innovators and progressive incumbents

Providing high-quality and cost-efficient services is the first step traditional healthcare providers must take to stave off business disruption by new entrants and progressive incumbents into the market.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 22, 2019

Analysis: Much ado about the Ascension/Google Project Nightingale

While the partnership should have been made public by Google and Ascension, this is the future of healthcare performance improvement.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 21, 2019

Analysis: Hospital at home will move inpatient admissions into the home

Acute care providers must analyze the risks and opportunities of participating in the at-home-hospital model of patient care.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 20, 2019

Financial investment in SDOH is not all it will take to help patients

It’s laudable that health systems are committing to funding social determinants of health efforts, but managing interventions for patients will require more deliberate integration, linking of efforts and data sharing.

Katie Gilfillan November 14, 2019

Analysis: Haven’s first moves: Benign or disruptive?

The rollout of Haven insurance in 2020 for the 1.2 million combined employees of Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway should not be dismissed by other industry players.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 12, 2019

Analysis: Private equity interest in orthopedics increases

Demographics and payment policy are the main drivers of the surge in private equity deals involving orthopedics practices in 2019.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 7, 2019

Social determinants of health: Pushing the boundaries of healthcare

Addressing the social determinants of health is vital to improving health outcomes, but meaningful improvement requires new levels of collaboration.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 5, 2019

Analysis: Investment income may not be enough for not-for-profit hospitals as federal reductions in payments continue

A review of why not-for-profit hospitals’ reliance on investment income may not be enough in the face of continued reductions in federal payments to hospitals over the next 10 years.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019
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