
Not Just Smarter Payment, Better Health Care

Jeb Dunkelberger describes how Highmark Health uses its experience as an integrated care delivery and finance system to advance strategies that improve the value of health care.

Jeb Dunkelberger November 26, 2018

Why the Election Results Matter For 340B Hospitals

Ted Slafsky provides an insider’s perspective on where the 340B drug discount program is headed after the consequential midterm elections. 

Ted Slafsky November 8, 2018

Closing the Gaps in Health Technology

Kent Ritter describes how technology can help provide a better patient experience.

Kent Ritter November 6, 2018

4 Smart Strategies for EHR-Enabled Innovation

Nicki Anderson explains the necessity for, and benefits of, providing clinical decision support resources within the EHR.

Nicki Anderson November 1, 2018

The Compounding Effect of Patient Satisfaction

Alan Nalle describes how to maximize a patient’s lifetime value through a better payment experience.

Alan Nalle October 30, 2018

Taking on Risk? Top Ways to Leverage Strategic Partnerships for Integrated Care

Jim Wieland discusses the steps a practice took, and the lessons it learned, as it formed the nation’s first cardiology accountable care organization.

Jim Wieland October 25, 2018

Telepsychiatry: Improving the Provider Distribution Model

Geoffrey Boyce explains how using technology can address both behavioral health workforce shortages and geographical challenges as the need for greater availability of behavioral health services grows. 

Geoffrey Boyce October 23, 2018

Comprehensive Compliance-Focused Processes for Physician Arrangements

Karin Chernoff Kaplan reviews the basics—and the importance—of establishing consistent processes for setting up and managing physician compensation agreements and thresholds that avoid regulatory problems.

Karin Chernoff Kaplan October 18, 2018

Confronting the Physician Shortage Head-On: A Health Plan Takes Action

John Baackes, CEO of L.A. Care Health Plan, describes a long-term initiative to ensure a strong physician pipeline is available to serve the healthcare safety net in the market.

John Baackes October 16, 2018

The Controversy over the Rules of the Game for the Medicare Shared Savings Program

Ken Perez examines the fundamental disagreement over how MSSP ACO savings are being measured and the potential fallout as participants consider leaving the program.

Ken Perez October 16, 2018
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