Developing a Mobile Revenue Cycle
Jeff Wood presents payment ideas for appealing to the tech-savvy patient.
FDA Delays Cause Drug Cost Spikes
Regulatory hurdles could be contributing to the high cost of generic drugs.
Making It OK: Insurer Helps Take the Stigma out of Mental Illness
Donna Zimmerman of HealthPartners discusses the health system’s campaign to take the stigma out of mental illness through empowerment and awareness.
Every Dollar Counts: Revisiting Pre-Bill Review to Recover Revenue
Michael Baney and Jeff McQuillan suggest pre-bill reviews as a proactive strategy to improve revenue cycle performance.
Incremental Healthcare Reform: A Focus on Cost
Olakunle Olaniyan discusses the opportunity to lower the cost of care and help people stay insured.
A Cost-Effective Solution for Strengthening Cybersecurity
Mary Chaput suggests captives as an underutilized solution to cybersecurity risks.
Predictive Analytics and the Future of Health Care
Aurora Health Care has decreased admission rates for patients with heart failure and COPD using a predictive-analytics tool, writes Sylvia Meltzer, MD.
Taking Stock of Surgery: Is It Time to Revisit Your Assumptions?
Advisory Board’s John Johnston discusses the importance of reevaluating surgical performance to ensure you are positioned to capture new business—and deliver cost-effective care.
CMS Bundles: Why Leave Millions on the Table?
Health systems will soon learn how successful their participation in the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement program has been.
Medical Trainees Learn to Recognize Clinical Overuse
Brandon Combs says a voluntary writing exercise at University of Colorado School of Medicine helps medical trainees reflect on patient harms arising from clinical overuse.