Direct Primary Care Gains Traction
Direct primary care is gaining a foothold in the healthcare industry because it promotes convenience for consumers and greater accountability among providers.
Healthcare Strategy in the Year of Uncertainty
Economics continues to overshadow politics as a driver of healthcare strategy for providers, with market forces looming large even amid legislative uncertainty.
Assessing the Value of Care
A healthcare finance leader, clinical leader, and health plan executive discuss best practices for assessing the value of healthcare drugs and services.
Toward a Common Vision for Value Based Care Metrics
Reporting dozens of potentially conflicting metrics from government and commercial payers can be a burden on providers, who seek ways to streamline or prioritize the number of metrics.
Health Systems Brace for MACRA
Hospitals and health systems are working to help their physicians succeed under MACRA, which means moving quickly to advanced APMs.
Hospital CEOs Name Top Financial Challenges
Hospital CEOs top three financial concerns were Medicaid payment, staff and supply costs, and operating costs.
Refunding Bonds to Optimize Savings
By refunding longer bond maturities with shorter, cheaper maturities, low rates can translate into sizable debt service savings.
Facts in Healthcare Finance: Is Spinning the Numbers Unethical?
A hospital CFO’s ability to separate facts from opinions and perspectives sets the stage for organizational integrity.
Henry Ford Health System Builds a Population Health Management Platform
The health system’s plan for value-based care involves centralizing core population health management functions and integrating data from multiple sources.
2 Ways to Achieve the Benefits of Rolling Forecasting
Rolling forecasting can be an effective approach for financial modeling and is flexible enough to meet varied organizational structures. It can help to increase accountability and encourage efficiency and other process improvements.