Benefits of Establishing Meaningful Work Standards for Revenue Cycle Staff
Good work standards that lay out quality and quantity expectations have not become obsolete with increased automation; rather, they are as useful and necessary as ever for healthcare organizations and their revenue cycle staffs.
The Challenges of “Repeal and Replace”
Despite the success of the “repeal and replace” platform during election season, politics and numbers are getting in the way of Republican efforts to get rid of the Affordable Care Act.
Avoiding the High Cost of High-Capture Leakage
Adoption of efficient practices, along with the implementation of a charge capture system that suits the needs of a healthcare organization, can bring significant recaptured revenue.
Consequences of PCI Noncompliance
Healthcare finance leaders should understand that the consequences of noncompliance with the PCI standards for security of credit card information can be severe.
Payment Security and Compliance: A Primer for Healthcare Revenue Cycle Decisionmakers
Compliance with credit card security standards has taken on greater importance for hospitals as with the increased likelihood that patients might use credit cards to cover growing payment obligations imposed by high-deductible health plans.
The Opioid Funding Controversy: A Portent of the Upcoming Bipartisan Healthcare Reform Debate
The continuing efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act could open doors for advocacy groups to revisit aspects of the legislation they want to change.
An Overview of RPA
Using software robots to perform repetitive, ongoing financial processes can improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and boost the overall well-being of a health system’s revenue cycle and other data management applications.
Robotic Disruption and the New Healthcare Revenue Cycle
Using software robots to perform repetitive, ongoing financial processes can improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and boost the overall well-being of a health system’s revenue cycle and other data management applications.
10 States Far Exceed National Average for Average Charge per Medicare Admission
In U.S. 10 states, the average charge per admission far exceeds the same measure for any of the remaining states, significantly surpassing the national average for the measure.
HFMA Executive Roundtable: Implementing a Combined Business Office: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities
Centralizing hospital and physician business offices presents opportunities to increase operational efficiencies, drive patient satisfaction, and realize other critical financial benefits. In this roundtable, participants discuss the advantages and challenges of a combined approach and also debate strategies for successfully navigating the integration process.