
Reflections on the True Spirit of the Holidays

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer sets forth three challenges to healthcare leaders who want to ensure that their work makes a difference in people’s lives.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA November 30, 2017

Health Care Needs Innovative Collaboration

Healthcare finance professionals should be passionate, purposeful, and innovative in collaborating with others to help address the financial hardships patients face from serious illness and the underlying total cost of care.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH November 30, 2017

New Directions in Healthcare Innovation

James H. Landman reflects on HFMA’s 11th annual Thought Leadership Retreat.

James H. Landman November 30, 2017

Implementation of ICD-10 Coding Correlates With Increased Charges

An analysis of data from 2015, the year of the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10, found that the average charge per inpatient discharge increased following implementation of ICD-10.

HFMA November 30, 2017

Book Rescue

One man helps book owners save books they value highly because of the profound impact the tomes have had on their lives. How many hobbies can help families preserve their legacy? Louis Papoff fondly remembers an elderly woman from his

HFMA November 30, 2017

Focus on Eliminating Avoidable Readmissions Historical Perspective

A collaboration between a hospital and a skilled nursing facility (SNF) aimed at improving care of the SNF’s residents and preventing avoidable readmissions from the SNF to the hospital offers an important lesson for other such providers.

HFMA November 30, 2017

Two Sides to the APM Coin: Why APMs Work for Some and Not For Others

Integrated delivery systems are at a disadvantage under alternative payment models (APMs), which has hindered the success of these models; redesigning how shared savings are distributed  to address this disadvantage may help promote the success of APMs.

Luis Rivera November 30, 2017

The Independence Question

As healthcare mergers and acquisitions grow in popularity, smaller hospitals are faced with the question of whether—and how long—to remain independent.

Michael N. Abrams November 30, 2017

Enterprise Risk Management: A Key Success Factor Under Value-Based Care

To be successful in a value-based payment environment, hospitals and health systems must undertake an integrated approach to managing risk across their enterprises.

Mark Troutman November 30, 2017

More Than a ZIP Code: Socioeconomic Data for Improving Patient Outcomes

The shift to value is encouraging healthcare providers to tap into previously underutilized resources to gather useful patient data. 

Erin Benson November 30, 2017
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