The Strategic Value of Value
Local solutions that deliver high value care and create healthier populations are helping hospitals and health systems balance volume versus value challenges.
Evidence-Based Practice and the Bottom Line: An Issue of Cost
Laura Cullen and Kristen Hanrahan of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics describe a process that healthcare organizations can use to determine the ROI of evidence-based practice improvements.
Video: Participating in Bundled Payment Initiatives
Tamira Harris, PhD, MBA, MSN, business adviser for Change Healthcare, takes a look at how healthcare entities can get started with bundled payment initiatives, including care design and delivery.
My Entrepreneurial Path to CEO: Lessons Learned
My Entrepreneurial Path to CEO: Lessons Learned
Ignite Creativity at Work
Ignite Creativity at Work
Are You Fully Living Your Values?
Are You Fully Living Your Values?
The Four Seasons of Values
The Four Seasons of Values
The Next Frontier in Consumerism
Over the years, healthcare interoperability—or the lack thereof—has not been an issue for consumers. Those days are coming to an end.
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Support High-Value Care
Leading health systems are using PROMs to support shared decision-making and reduce wasteful treatments.
Confronting Opioid Overprescribing Head-On
Three health systems are taking ownership of their role in the opioid epidemic with physician-led initiatives to alter pain management practices and help doctors live up to their commitment to do no harm.