
The Four Seasons of Values

The Four Seasons of Values

Hilda Villaverde December 20, 2017

The Next Frontier in Consumerism

Over the years, healthcare interoperability—or the lack thereof—has not been an issue for consumers. Those days are coming to an end.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 20, 2017

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Support High-Value Care

Leading health systems are using PROMs to support shared decision-making and reduce wasteful treatments.

Lola Butcher December 18, 2017

Confronting Opioid Overprescribing Head-On

Three health systems are taking ownership of their role in the opioid epidemic with physician-led initiatives to alter pain management practices and help doctors live up to their commitment to do no harm.

Valerie Norton December 18, 2017

Beyond Stereotypes: What Really Matters to Women in the Workplace

Beyond Stereotypes: What Really Matters to Women in the Workplace

Georgene Huang December 15, 2017

Sidebar: Professional Fulfillment Domains for Physicians

Drawing on research, physician leaders at the Stanford WellMD Center have devised a three part framework to help organizations think about burnout mitigation strategies Domain 1 Culture of Wellness Leadership support and accountability for wellness Resources

HFMA December 5, 2017

Sidebar: Professional Fulfillment Domains for Physicians

Drawing on research, physician leaders at the Stanford WellMD Center have devised a three part framework to help organizations think about burnout mitigation strategies Domain 1 Culture of Wellness Leadership support and accountability for wellness Resources

HFMA December 5, 2017

Physician-Friendly Ways to Tackle Burnout

Health systems are finding ways to address three domains of physician well-being: a culture of wellness, efficiency of practice, and personal resilience.

Lola Butcher December 5, 2017

Physician-Friendly Ways to Tackle Burnout

Health systems are finding ways to address three domains of physician well-being: a culture of wellness, efficiency of practice, and personal resilience.

Lola Butcher December 5, 2017

Key Findings of the HFMA-IMA Initiative

A survey conducted as part of a collaboration between HFMA and the Institute of Management Accountants sought healthcare providers’ perspectives on cost accounting tools for managerial decision-making to assess the state of the industry in this area.

Raef Lawson December 5, 2017
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