
CHRISTUS Health Revamps Denials Management

The health system boosted productivity by 25 percent by focusing staff time on the accounts with the greatest potential return.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 27, 2018

Strategic Financial Planning: Spring 2018

Subscribers can access the Spring 2018 issue of Strategic Financial Planning.

HFMA February 23, 2018

Culture and Communication Critical to Successful M&As

A recent study found that attention to stakeholder goals and organizational culture and communication help newly merged or acquired hospitals meet their strategic aspirations.  

HFMA February 23, 2018

Bringing the HFMA Code of Ethics to Life

Ethics can and should be practical, and ethical practice begins with knowing and living by the highest standards of an association.

William Marty Martin February 23, 2018

Benchmarking: Moving Beyond a Metrics Beauty Pageant

The true power of benchmarking entails studying how best practice organizations achieve their top performance levels and then takes those lessons learned and adapts them for use by other provider organizations.

HFMA February 23, 2018

MaineHealth Achieves Supply Chain Collaboration Among Member Hospitals

By identifying key supply chain opportunities and process flow issues that needed correction, MaineHealth saved approximately $16 million in 2015, the first year of its overhaul; $27 million in 2016; and more than $34 million in 2017.

HFMA February 23, 2018

Chinese Investment: An Opportunity for U.S. Healthcare Organizations

With a growing middle class and a desire for improved healthcare services, China is becoming a key investor in U.S. healthcare organizations, with the goal of bringing some of their practices and services back home.

HFMA February 23, 2018

Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Recognizing that hunger, housing instability, and other problems make it difficult for people to get and stay healthy, ProMedica is transforming its care delivery model and making substantial investments. The health system is starting with a $50 million initiative to research and address social determinants of health in the communities it serves.

Lola Butcher February 23, 2018

11 Metrics Reveal the Best Strategies For Cutting Outpatient Prices

A scoring methodology is the first step in evaluating outpatient service price reductions without sacrificing financial viability.

William O. Cleverley, PhD February 23, 2018

The Impact of Tax Reform on Hospital Capital Financing

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law in December 2017 is expected to impact interest rates charged by banks to not-for-profit hospitals in direct placements and may steer some refundings to structures involving complex new risks. 

Pierre Bogacz February 23, 2018
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