
How to Optimize Enterprise Risk Management Strategy in Health Care

Engaging staff, assessing risk, and employing rapid-response plans, healthcare organizations are cross-functionally implementing enterprise risk management strategies to enhance the value of their services.

Elizabeth Barker March 21, 2018

Has Value Become a Buzzword?

Our shared vision of value is at risk. We won’t attain high-value health care unless we agree on what that means.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 21, 2018

The Evolution of Risk

These are the top risk categories identified by healthcare providers.

HFMA March 21, 2018

Federal and Other Initiatives That Are Transforming Provider Risk

Healthcare providers are increasingly taking on payment risk as a result of value-based payment arrangements being implemented by the federal government and the private sector. 

Paul Tuten March 21, 2018

New Program Seeks to Enhance Care of Elderly Patients

Two national organizations seek to spread the “Age-Friendly Health Systems” movement to 20 percent of all health systems by 2020.

Lola Butcher March 19, 2018

3 Steps to a Purposeful, Positive, and Productive Work Culture

Leaders should place the same emphasis on valued behaviors as they do on performance results, then set about defining, aligning, and refining those behaviors.

S. Chris Edmonds March 19, 2018

Undoing Siloes to Improve the Patient Experience

A health system has improved the patient experience with a variety of new processes and protocols, including the introduction of a new patient access center and tutoring by physician coaches.

Karen Wagner March 19, 2018

Hospitals, Health Plans Should Treat Information as a Prime Asset

Healthcare leaders should optimize information via a systematic framework of policies and procedures that are continually reinforced and updated so they become part of the culture.

Laura Ramos Hegwer March 15, 2018

The ‘Narrow Network’ Trap—and How to Avoid It

Establishing protocols for checking eligibility and benefits for every patient is one way that physician practices can avoid the traps posed by narrow networks. Insurance eligibility is getting even more complicated. Since the advent

Sean McSweeney March 6, 2018

Elements of an Effective Healthcare Venture Development Process

Health systems should employ a nine-step process when seeking to develop venture investments.

HFMA March 2, 2018
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