
Providers Should Keep Watch on Payer Discount Increases

A significant uptick in payer contractual allowances and discounts in the first quarter of 2018 indicate that hospitals should remain focused on payer mix and payer category shifts.

Jeanne M. Slates November 2, 2018

Current Forces Shaping the Technological Landscape

Factors that are driving the increasing use of digital technology in health care include consumer expectations for cost transparency and a new outcomes-based payment and delivery models.

HFMA October 29, 2018

Sample Footnote for a Cost Accounting Report

This is an example of the type of footnote an organization might provide in its cost accounting report and is intended to serve as a template for such a footnote. It originally accompanied the article “Selecting the Right Costing Model,” by Paul Selivanoff, CPA (November 2018 hfm). 

HFMA October 26, 2018

A New Approach to Curtailing Pharmacy Costs

In an effort to improve the availability and value of treatments that are available to patients, major health systems have banded together to form a new company that will produce generic drugs.

Karen Wagner October 24, 2018

Sidebar: Additional Strategies for Managing the Drug Cost Problem

In an effort to improve the availability and value of treatments that are available to patients, major health systems have banded together to form a new company that will produce generic drugs.

Karen Wagner October 24, 2018

Leading Through an Era of Disruptive Innovation

Many technological and infrastructure investments may seem enticing these days, but healthcare leaders should evaluate which are worthwhile by considering whether they will benefit patients and enhance the value of care.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA October 22, 2018

Operationalizing Predictive Analytics to Guide Healthcare Business Decisions

Providers and health plans are turning to predictive analytics as a tool for identifying actionable insights that can be used to control costs and improve outcomes.

Elizabeth Barker October 16, 2018

Systemness as a Lever for Greater Health System Resilience

Systemness, or operating in a way that enables the system to create more value than the sum of its parts, enhances an organization’s business resilience. The most important manifestations of systemness are patient access and provider network management.

Graham Gardner October 16, 2018

Proposed Regulatory Relief Saves $1.1 Billion for Providers

A proposal to eliminate required outpatient medical histories and physicals could reduce costs for healthcare providers by $454 annually.

HFMA October 10, 2018

Key Factors in Cath Lab Financial Performance

The average cath lab program generates a negative profit margin on Medicare patients, and that population is growing. Analyzing cath lab care pathway design can help hospital leaders bend the cost curve back to operating profitability.

John Yanuzzelli October 10, 2018
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