Accounting and Financial Reporting

Budgeting: Regulatory items healthcare finance leaders must consider

HFMA’s Chad Mulvany provides a list of Medicare and Medicaid regulatory payment impacts to consider when developing budgets.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA January 27, 2020

A look into the cost-accounting systems of the future

Access to real-time data allows healthcare leaders to act on the activities that need immediate attention before they escalate to more serious problems.

John Gragg December 11, 2019

Analysis: Health systems likely to continue to issue bonds at a feverish pace

Health systems are likely to continue to issue bonds right now for two reasons, including taxable and tax-exempt interest rates that are too good to miss.

Chuck Alsdurf December 5, 2019

Who’s afraid of the federal debt?

A review of the possible implications for alternative payment models and provider payment rates in the wake of the national debt cresting at $1 trillion with a possible recession looming.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

How has price transparency impacted the hospital industry?

A recent survey of healthcare organizations on price transparency indicates posting prices online has had little positive or negative impact on most hospitals.

Scott Houk November 5, 2019

Analysis: Proposed negotiated-rate posting requirements from the OPPS rule

HFMA's Chad Mulvany offers insight into the major issues associated with CMS’s proposed new requirement for hospitals to post negotiated rates.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 28, 2019

Executive orders on price transparency

HFMA’s Chad Mulvany provides insight on the Trump Administration’s June 24 executive order aimed at improving price and quality transparency.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA June 28, 2019

Activity-Based Costing: When to Walk and When to Run

A modified approach to activity-based costing can balance an organization’s desire for operational excellence with its need for repeatable, low-maintenance solutions.

Catherine Savage, CPA May 30, 2019

Analysis: Disruption possible if negotiated rates are publicly posted

What can be expected if President Trump releases an executive order to mandate the disclosure of prices in the healthcare industry.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 29, 2019


HFMA May 1, 2019
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