Revenue Cycle

What to expect when you are expecting

May 30, 2019 3:13 pm

Welcome to Voices in Healthcare Finance. If you’ve listened to our podcast before, you’ll no doubt notice some differences in today’s episode. That’s because today, we’re debuting a brand new version of the podcast.

From now on, we’ll begin each episode with the latest healthcare business news, then deliver provider stories and practical advice for healthcare finance leaders like you. We’ll release new episodes every other Wednesday with occasional bonus episodes that go in depth about a particular topic.

On today’s episode, we begin a series that focuses on best practices in the revenue cycle. Then, we’ll discuss key opportunities to educate patients about their financial obligations.

HFMA’s Podcast Series

HFMA’s podcast series presents insights from leading industry experts on a range of topics in healthcare finance. Subscribe to keep up-to-date on the latest releases and listen to past episodes. Contact us to submit an idea or request to be interviewed. If you’re interested in sponsoring an HFMA podcast episode or series, learn more about our marketing opportunities.


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