Louisiana Chapter

President’s Welcome

Dear Members,

Congratulations and a big thank you Teresa Jenkinson for your years of past leadership and Chapter Board President for the last year and what a year it was!  You were oriented toward addressing and overcoming issues with a ‘solve problem’ mindset by inviting and utilizing the Chapter Advancement Team (CAT), a national HFMA resource assisting with strategic approaches to operational processes.  Your leadership to our members, Board, and committees, was grounded with innovation as reflected by relocating the Chapter’s annual meeting to Baton Rouge and realizing some expense trimming by garnering support to absorb the event manager role through Board leadership and increased Volunteer execution of those many event responsibilities. 

Another big thank you to the Chapter Board members for supporting monthly board meetings to stay abreast of chapter activities and fostering a unified vision.  Our open communication and continued strategic planning evolved into collaborative decision-making.  As Board members gained valuable insights into ongoing initiatives, identified areas for improvement and collectively worked towards our chapter goals, these same board members rolled up their sleeves supporting our annual meeting events. A project such as in-house event planning supports member engagement, involvement in the planning process, greater control, and customization, allowing volunteers to showcase their talent and dedication to the Chapter.  With this synergy, effective communication was supported by a new dedicated Communication Committee revamping the monthly chapter newsletter, managing social platforms and webinar oversite with an emphasis on alignment and member relevant content. The chapter board leadership significantly impacted increasing revenues and sponsorships. 

Sponsors and Partners

Energy, CPA, Chain, AI, Cycle, Solution, Audit, Recovery, Solvers, Connect … these are descriptors of Chapter most valued resource, our Sponsors.  The Chapter focuses on many goals, activities, critical thought to support its mission of member education and varied networking platforms.  Outputs such as events, webinars, presentations, food & beverage are supported by Sponsors goodwill that comes in many forms financial, in-kind, media and promotional.  Each are valued by the Chapter and allow for unfettered execution.  We have much appreciation and regard for our business partners and their support of this Chapter.


I do want to mention other meaningful work.  Our chapter included a priority of giving back to our area communities.  During our meetings in Lafayette, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge we engaged in rewarding ventures with Lafayette Food Bank sorting and stocking boxes with food goods, May 2023, distributing class supplies for New Orleans schools, August 2023 and sorting through fresh food and yams for distribution from Baton Rouge warehouse to local pantries, May 2024.  Fellowship and warmth are at its highest with these assignments and it is easy to continue our giving in the coming months. 

Moving Forward

As we prepare for the upcoming Chapter year, I am guided by our headquarter leaders and their guideposts of “Sempre Avanti, Moving Forward” and to be careful not ‘to churn in our own huddle’ but to “break the huddle” absorbing the thoughts of our professional providers, our new members along with our veterans, fellow board members and our sponsors and vendors.   Along with input from these valuable sources, we always want to learn what research and data is telling us. As we work toward our goals and address our issues, victories shall come giving us the opportunity to acknowledge contributions and celebrate.

We have already begun our journey for the new year in a recent leadership session which guided us to laying the preliminary foundation for the Chapter Success Plan:

  • In recent years, the dynamics of career progression for young finance professionals have shifted significantly. Unlike the past, where long tenures at a single organization were common, the current workforce sees more frequent job changes and varied career paths. This change in professional behavior has impacted the recruitment and retention of Board members for the Louisiana HFMA, as younger members find the traditional 7-year Board path misaligned with their career objectives. So, we will review our Board succession planning. Of course, any change in by-law requires members approval via Chapter voting protocols.
  • Innovations such as in-house event planning, absorbing event manager roles and rotating event sites put increased responsibility on member volunteers requiring us to Improve Volunteer Engagement. And while our volunteers always respond to the challenges of our varied assignments, we cannot take their involvement for granted.  Healthy volunteer & member engagement are supported by clear communication, recognition and appreciation, meaningful roles and feedback mechanism aiming for continuous improvement.  Working on our volunteer program should produce valuable returns.
  • Discussions involving Sponsorship Engagement, Committee definition/realignment and Educational Topics for our upcoming meetings will help us move forward as a chapter.

Soon, the leadership team will convene to review these goals and work toward the final development of the 2024/2025 Chapter Success Plan. I will provide an update at our summer conference in late August, in New Orleans and any “take aways” from the June Annual Conference.  I would like to close with my sincere gratitude to you and my fellow Board members for the trust and faith you have given me via the conveyance of this important leadership role. I thank my colleagues, friends and family. I have already received much support, giving me even more energy and confidence.  I value all my 35 years as a healthcare financial professional, mostly in a leadership capacity, as well as my career mom working 31-years in federal civil service positions and my deceased dad, TSgt Gomez USAF retiree.  I never stop looking up.

Corinna Goron, President

Thank you 2024-2025 Chapter Sponsors!

Diamond Sponsors

Sapphire Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

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