Lone Star Volunteer Opportunities


Are you looking to grow your career, build relationships with executives, and expand your healthcare finance knowledge?  You’ve come to the right place!  We have committee leadership opportunities, Board Positions, and other volunteer opportunities with the HFMA Lone Star Chapter.  Simply complete the online form and our Volunteer Chair will contact you.


Membership – The committee will coordinate the chapter’s membership campaign, engage Enterprise members, retain/grow membership, and communicate the value of HFMA. 

Certification – HFMA Certifications are included with your membership!  The Certification Committee encourages and assists members in achieving National certification.

Programs/Education – The Education/Program Committee is responsible for developing and coordinating all chapter educational conferences.  The group develops program content, speakers, event logistics, event promotion, and webinar opportunities.  Education focused on: compliance, internal audit, reimbursement, Medicare/Medicaid, patient financial services, managed care, and revenue cycle.

Sponsorship – Grow and retain State, Chapter, and Event Sponsorships.  Communicate the value, pricing, and exposure opportunities for our partners.

Communications – The Communications Committee develops strategic plans to reach the North Texas audience.  This includes: social postings, videos/photos, and promotion of conferences and networking events. 

Social Committee – The social committee is responsible for planning and executing activities for the chapter.  These activities include networking events, and volunteer/service events.

Early Careerist/Mentorship – Dynamic committee bringing together mentors and mentees.  Perhaps you are a new member, new to healthcare, or ready to take your career to the next level and would like to be mentored. Maybe you are a healthcare veteran, finance leader, or looking for a way to give back to your organization and industry by being a mentor.

Non-Profit/Charity – The HFMA Lone Star Chapter supports a few non-profits each year.  This committee identifies organizations for service opportunities. 

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Gold Sponsors

Bank of America
Ensemble Health Partners
Forvis Mazars
Moss Adams LLP
Turquoise Health logo