Covid-19 Considerations for Healthcare Leaders
Written by: Andy Williams, CPA BKD Mississippi Office Managing Partner [email protected] Lead with Proactive Communication Internal Communication Priorities: During a crisis, effective communication starts with the tone at the top. Organization leaders should develop a clearly defined internal communication plan. This includes providing regular updates from company leadership to employees and establishing an internal task force to monitor and respond to new developments. Read more >
4 Unique Challenges In Veterans Administration Claims Processing That Lead To Millions In Lost Revenue
Navigating VA claims is a uniquely challenging and complicated process. Providers need to be keenly aware of these challenges to avoid writing off VA claims that snowball into millions of dollars of lost revenue. The Complexities of VA Claims Processing The Veterans Health Administration is the largest integrated healthcare system in the U.S. Read more >
A Clear Path to Standardized, Medicare Cost Report Reimbursements and Cloud-based Technologies
By Dave Frank (CEO, F2 Healthcare) & Laura Gillenwater (Senior Manager, HORNE LLP) Healthcare information technology has had a long run of standardization and continuous improvement. Companies like EPIC, Cerner, and Meditech coupled with niche bolt-ons have made their mark optimizing most parts of the revenue cycle through technology. Although there is still room to optimize many of these components further, the improvements in efficiency and effectiveness thus far are incontestable. Read more >
Denials Management – Organization for Success
Beth Jones, Director Revenue Cycle Solutions Project Manager Trilogy Revenue Cycle Solutions The struggle to manage denials is real. Most facilities do their best to keep up but are often overwhelmed about where to start. Create a Denials Management Team with a defined leader, C-Suite executive support, leaders from each revenue cycle area, such as Billing, Patient Access, HIM/Coding, Case Management and I.T. Read more >
Author: Dick Williams, ARS Partnership : “A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities”. Miriam Webster Dictionary Does the word “partnership” have a more important meaning today than ever in the world of recovering your past due accounts? In today’s highly regulated environment with HIPAA, HITECH, FDCPA, TCPA, and now REG F the answer is yes. Read more >
5 Key Areas Affecting A Looming Crisis: Patients’ Lack of Access to Coverage is Leading to Billions of Dollars in Uncompensated Care
By Kemberton | October 2021 With billions of dollars at stake due to uncompensated care, healthcare providers need to rethink patient eligibility and enrollment options in light of a growing uninsured and underinsured population. The number of Americans without health insurance continues to rise. According to the latest available data, 10.9% of non-elderly individuals in the U.S. — or approximately 29 million people — were uninsured in 2019, representing an alarming increase for the third year in a row. Read more >
Why Using Data to Hire Healthcare Providers is More Important in 2021 than Ever Before
Author: Bert Pickard, Director HORNE Healthcare Hiring is tough. Under normal circumstances, it’s challenging to staff your facility with reliable and high-quality caregivers. Not only are executive and financial leaders managing significant labor shortages, they may also find themselves wading through a labor pool that still hasn’t settled in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more >