HFMA’s editorial team earns its 20th award this year

August 26, 2024 9:06 am
The cover of HFMA’s award-winning Healthcare 2030 report “SDoH: Convener or Leader?”

The American Society of Journalists & Authors (ASJA) awarded Jeni Williams, a regular contributor to hfm, with an honorable mention for the special report, “SDOH: Leader or convener? Hospitals and health systems still struggle with their role,” which she wrote in 2023 as part of HFMA’s Healthcare 2030 series.

Williams’ recognition in the ASJA’s B2B article or blog category, announced Aug. 14, brings the total awards earned by HFMA’s editorial team to 20 for the 2023-24 year.

ASJA’s B2B article or blog category included only one winner and one honorable mention.

“Jeni’s piece was an immediate standout,” according to judges’ comments in the announcement of ASJA’s 2024 Annual Writing Award Winners. “We were impressed by the high quality of the writing and the extensive research that went into this complex story.”

Awards earned previously

Previously this year, the HFMA editorial team was honored with a total of 19 awards of excellence for various editorial pieces produced and published in 2023. The recognized pieces were as follows:

  • Sixteen awards for stories published in hfm, HFMA’s flagship magazine
  • Two for Healthcare 2030 – Value-based care, an online-only report
  • One for the HFMA Voices in Healthcare Finance podcast episode “Sleepless in the C-Suite: Workforce, Part 2

More information

For more information, read the article announcing these awards,HFMA’s editorial team earns 19 awards for excellence,” which was published in the June-July issue of hfm.


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