EHR-RCM replacement and retirement economics: Driving ROI through data archiving
When a hospital or health system upgrades or replaces a legacy electronic health record, an important consideration is how best to manage outstanding accounts receivable in the legacy system.
Practical tips for maintaining control over the revenue cycle
As evolving market trends shape healthcare payment, providers continue to face real-world, day-to-day challenges that contribute to unpaid claims, unnecessary denials, workflow inefficiencies, and rework. By implementing the recommendations outlined here, providers can obtain the necessary visibility and control over their claims payment processes that can help them not only sustain a healthy revenue cycle,…
Deceased Medicare beneficiary admissions: Accounting for the causes and impacts
Just over 3 percent of Medicare admissions end with the death of the patient. This finding is based on data from fiscal years 2015 through 2017 reported in the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) file. As would be expected, the time and resources required to treat a beneficiary who is near death and ultimately…
Provider nimbleness required for diverse value-based healthcare models
Many providers are in the throes of implementing strategies for value-based health care. But now they must adapt to an environment characterized by diverse value-based care models, new players, and more data to discern provider value. To weather the next decade, the key attribute providers will need is nimbleness—a challenge in an industry not known…
Strategic Partnerships in An Era of Value
Healthcare organizations are diving into partnership business models to leverage expertise, advanced analytics, and emerging technologies.
Introducing a Road Map for Advanced Cost Accounting
HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses the new cost accounting model launched as a collaboration between HFMA and Strata Decision Technology.
The Value of Financial Analytics
Data analytics and business intelligence are essential tools for effectively managing the financial performance of healthcare organizations.
Monetizing Data: The Key to Realizing the Value of Data Analytics
Healthcare organizations require data analytics to succeed in the emerging value-focused healthcare environment, and through data monetization, in which they use these assets to create economic value, they can realize the value of their investment in the analytics.
Efforts to Address Surprise Medical Billing Could Yield a Bipartisan Solution
The current political climate could pose a barrier to a solution for Congress solving surprise medical bills from providers outside of patients’ networks through legislation.
How to Achieve a Return on an EHR
Electronic health records can be a useful population health management tool.