A nationally recognized academic medical center was looking to improve their capital planning process to optimize their clinical asset inventory and drive savings. They turned to their clinical engineering provider, TRIMEDX, for help. By implementing a comprehensive clinical asset management solution that leveraged advanced analytics and the expertise of a TRIMEDX strategic advisor, the health system was able to improve visibility to their inventory, identify areas of process improvement, validate equipment purchase requests, and uncover alternatives to device replacement that optimized their current clinical assets. As a result, the health system was able to save millions of dollars, implement a sustainable capital planning process and improve communication between administration and clinicians.
This case study presents a health system that implemented a clinical asset management solution and experienced:
CapEx deferral of $16M+
CapEx savings and avoidance of $6M+
OpEx savings of $500K+
Improved accuracy of capital budget forecasting
Enhanced visibility and communication between clinicians and leadership
More predictable capital expenses with a multi-year device replacement plan
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