Finance and Business Strategy

HFMA’s editorial team earns 19 awards for excellence

June 3, 2024 11:27 am

HFMA has been honored with a total of 19 awards of excellence for various editorial pieces produced and published in 2023. The recognized pieces
were as follows:

  • Sixteen awards for stories published in hfm, HFMA’s flagship magazine
  • Two for Healthcare 2030 – Value-based care, an online-only report
  • One for the HFMA Voices in Healthcare Finance podcast episode “Sleepless in the C-Suite: Workforce, Part 2”
 The May 2023 hfm cover story “Cost Plus Drug Co. takes on PBMs” earned Regional Gold and National Bronze Azbee Awards in the Q&A category.

“We know the original content our editorial team produces, including hfm, online posts, blogs, monthly newsletters and podcasts, is valuable to our members because you tell us so in member surveys,” said Rick Gundling, senior vice president, content and professional practice guidance. “Having that work recognized by two long-standing media associations recognizes the team’s excellence in delivering insightful and impactful healthcare finance content. These accolades underscore HFMA’s commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering informed discussions within the industry and distinguishes the high quality of HFMA’s work.”

National Azbee Awards of Excellence

Six awards recognizing hfm are national Azbee Awards of Excellence, conferred by the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including two detailed in the sidebar “Nick Hut earns 2 National Gold Azbee Awards.” These awards, which were presented during ASBPE’s online celebration May 16, are as follows:

  • National Silver Award All Content Regular Column: “AI and the rise of human-machine collaboration in healthcare,” March hfm and “Right-sizing physician training? The case for surgical mechanics,” November hfm, author: David Johnson
  • National Bronze Award Q&A: “Cost Plus Drug Co. takes on PBMs,” May hfm, author: Paul Barr
  • National Bronze Award All Content Regular Column: “Leading a multi-generational team: Avoid stereotypes,” March hfm and “Master the art of strategic interruption,” Summer hfm, author: Jill Geisler
  • Finalist National Overall Excellence – Magazine of the Year (11 or fewer issues per year): September, October and November 2023 hfm issues

Regional Azbee Awards

On April 12, HFMA was presented with 11 regional Azbee Awards of Excellence from ASBPE, which slated some of the entries as national competition finalists.

The awards were as follows:

  • Regional Gold Award — Online State of the Industry: “Part 1 – Health vs. Care,” author Lisa Eramo and “Part 2 – Valued-based Care?” author: Lola Butcher
  • Regional Gold Award — Print Industry News Coverage: Five articles, written by Nick Hut, senior editor with HFMA, published in various print issues of hfm in 2023 (For a list of the five articles that constituted this entry, see the sidebar below.)
  • Regional Gold Award — News Analysis: “Healthcare labor union activity gains steam: The consequences for hospitals and health systems,” November hfm, author: Nick Hut
  • Regional Gold Award — Q&A: “Cost Plus Drug Co. takes on PBMs,” May hfm, author: Paul Barr
  • Regional Silver Award — Online Industry News Coverage: Six online-only pieces by author Nick Hut, senior editor with HFMA
  • Regional Silver Award — Publication Design: “A crisis of faith,” September hfm and “How AI is going to change healthcare,” October hfm
  • Regional Silver Award — Regular Column: “AI and the rise of human-machine collaboration in healthcare,” March hfm, and “Right-sizing physician training? The case for surgical mechanics,” November hfm, author: David Johnson
  • Regional Silver Award — Podcast: “Sleepless in the C-Suite: Workforce, Part 2,” April 17, 2023, podcast producer and host: Erika Grotto
  • Regional Bronze Award — Regular Column: “Leading a multi-generational team: Avoid stereotypes,” March hfm and “Master the art of strategic interruption,” Summer hfm, author: Jill Geisler
  • Regional Bronze Award — DEI: “Constructing a new equity narrative,” February hfm, author: Liz DeForest
  • Regional Bronze Award — How to: “Hospitals face increased need amid pandemic to improve patient throughput,” March hfm, authors: Brooke Balster, Larry Volkmar, Teri Wicker, PhD, RN, NE-BC

Additional kudos

“HFMA has a team of experienced journalists producing exclusive healthcare journalism on a daily basis, and we do it with the editorial independence of a traditional news outlet,” said Brad Dennison, hfm executive editor and HFMA director of editorial and policy affairs. “I’m proud of the team and the more than 60 awards we’ve received in the past four years, and I’m equally proud to work for an organization that values our approach.”

Nick Hut earns 2 National Gold Azbee Awards

Nick Hut, HFMA senior editor, earned two national Azbee Awards of Excellence, bestowed by the American Society of Business Editors (ASBPE) on May 16 during an online awards celebration.

Nick Hut, a senior editor with HFMA, covers the latest news affecting healthcare finance professionals. You can see his latest article in this issue of hfm and by visiting

National Gold Award: Industry News Coverage (Print)

 Hut was recognized for healthcare industry news coverage throughout 2023 based on a submission of the following five articles published in hfm:

  • “How healthcare providers can break down barriers to effective data governance,”  February hfm
  • “Monument Health revamps its leadership revenue cycle structure for the benefit of patients and the organization,” March hfm
  • “5 issues that are keeping healthcare compliance professionals up at night,” May hfm
  • “10 vital responses to healthcare disruption,” September hfm
  • Healthcare labor union activity gains steam, with consequences for hospitals and health systems,” November hfm

National Gold Award: News Analysis

Hut’s article “Healthcare labor union activity gains steam, with consequences for hospitals and health systems,” published November 2023, was recognized as the top article in the News Analysis category. One ASBPE judge said this about the article:

“Excellent use of reporting and data to illustrate the health worker problems throughout the country, coupled with complications from COVID-19 and the red tape of corporate health care systems. The article ends by sharing best practices and future recommendations.”

HFMA named as a finalist in the Jesse H. Neal Awards

HFMA was also honored when two of its entries were named as finalists in the Jesse H. Neal Awards, which recognize excellence in business-to-business (B2B) journalism. The announcement came April 26 via a news release by SIIA Media, which identifies itself as the voice for the specialized information industry, and host of the annual Neal Awards.

“The finalists … reflect great journalism from a range of brands as broad as the industry itself,” the release stated. It also noted that 212 regional finalists competed for 54 Neal Award national titles in this year’s competition. The HFMA finalists are as follows:

  • Finalist Best Industry Coverage
    HFMA’s Healthcare 2030, “Part 1 – Health vs. Care,” author Lisa Eramo; June 2023 and “Part 2 – Valued-Based Care?” author Lola Butcher, September 2023
  • Finalist Best Commentary by a group of columnists
    “Is consolidation in healthcare the work of modern-day robber barons?” author Susan Dentzer (October 2023 hfm); “Right-sizing physician training? The case for surgical mechanics,” author: David Johnson (November 2023 hfm); and “How healthcare is inextricably linked to homelessness,” author: Ken Perez (October 2023 hfm)


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