In the face of financial challenges, staffing shortages, and disruptive competitors, hospital groups, integrated delivery networks (IDNs), and health systems are navigating a transformative landscape. This white paper explores the pivotal role of outpatient and ancillary services in addressing these challenges and outlines a strategic revenue approach to change ancillary services from a cost center to a profit center.
Read the paper for critical insights on:
Understand the consumer and technological drivers elevating the role of outpatient and ancillary services in the healthcare continuum.
Identify opportunities for sustainable, strategic by leveraging outpatient services to attract new patients, support local communities, promote cost-effective care, and prevent readmissions.
Reframe organizational perception of outpatient and ancillary services from cost centers to profit centers.
Align opportunities for automation, workflow efficiencies, and process improvements with heightened a patient financial experience and improved cash collection.
Mitigate challenges in staffing constraints, suboptimal billing systems, or rapid expansion by identifying opportunities for staff augmentation and outsourcing.
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