Maintenance FAQs

You may run a report of your current total points using the report at the top of the online reporting tool page.

Yes. If you also hold the CHFP or FHFMA designation, any points reported for these certifications will count toward your EHRC maintenance and help satisfy the 45-hour requirement.

No. Currently HFMA does not require a maintenance renewal fee for CHFP and FHFMA.

HFMA’s system will auto update, and you will receive an email confirmation at renewal for the next cycle.

Download instructions for using the online reporting tool along with a list of eligible CHFP/FHFMA maintenance activities. This document also includes general certification maintenance information.

You may access the Online Reporting Tool via your HFMA account page under “My Development” and then click on Certifications tab. This applies to CHFP and HFMA Fellows.

There are two options for reporting activities: 

  1. Single entry: Enter the requested information for each education activity. All fields are mandatory for adding an activity to your record. After entering the information, click the submit button.  
  2. Multiple entry via spreadsheet upload: Using the code legend provided, enter the requested information for each education activity. The correct code must be entered and all fields completed for the activities to be added to your record. After entering the information, click the submit button.

You can access reports for current activities and all historical points using this online tool. You will need your HFMA user name and password to log in; once logged in, scroll down to access your reports. Points are shown as CPE and EDU points.

Yes. HFMA on-demand webinars (National or local chapter) can be used by HFMA CHFP and FHFMA certified members for their certification maintenance hours.

First, add up the total length of the seminar. Next, subtract the time for breaks, meals, and social events. Finally, divide the total by 50. Example: 60 minute seminar/50 = 1.2 contact hours. This is your total number of contact hours for the event. Note: Do not round this number down/up.

No. Education activity must be reported using our online reporting tool. You should, however, maintain in your own files documentation of eligible events you have attended for at least one year past the end of your certification renewal date.

Yes. The only events that do not need to be self-reported are activities sponsored by HFMA National for which you have received CPE credit. It is your responsibility to self-report your education activities for all other activities, including attending chapter-sponsored events, proctoring a certification exam, etc.

No. The requirement is that 20 of the 60 hours required for the three-year reporting cycle be HFMA [national/association], regional or local chapter education — effective 6/1/2020. A list of HFMA educational programs can be located here. More details on the reporting requiremnts and eligible actvities can be found here.

No, members do not have the capability to edit entries in their online record. Please submit any changes in writing to [email protected]. Be sure to provide enough detail so the edit can be made correctly by HFMA staff.

If you’ve retired fully from employment prior to the end of your current reporting cycle, you can receive “emeritus” status by informing HFMA in an email to [email protected]. Members granted emeritus status retain their designation and are exempt from certification maintenance requirements as long as they remain retired. 

Yes. Waivers from certification maintenance requirements may be granted by the Board of Examiners in cases of foreign residency, health problems, military service, or other cases where a similar hardship prevents completion of the requirements. Contact [email protected] if you need more information about seeking a waiver. Alternatively you may retake the CHFP exam to retain your designation.

If your designation is removed, re-certification requires you to successfully complete the CHFP certification exam.

You must have a valid membership. Active membership is required to view certifications and maintain/access the online reporting tool.

Additional questions? Email [email protected]