
What to expect when you are expecting

Welcome to Voices in Healthcare Finance. If you’ve listened to our podcast before, you’ll no doubt notice some differences in today’s episode. That’s because today, we’re debuting a brand new version of the podcast. From now on, we’ll begin each episode with the latest healthcare business news, then deliver provider stories and practical advice for healthcare finance leaders like you. We’ll release new episodes every other Wednesday with occasional bonus episodes that go in depth about a particular topic. On today’s episode, we begin a series that focuses on best practices in the revenue cycle. Then, we’ll discuss key opportunities to educate patients about their financial obligations.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

Sneak Peek: The new HFMA Voices in Healthcare Finance podcast

Voices in Healthcare Finance will debut a new format on September 5. In this sneak peek, Erika Grotto interviews Sandra Wolfskill, one of HFMA's directors of healthcare finance policy, for the first installment of a six-part series about patient communication and the revenue cycle. Sound editing by Julian Suga and Bryan Kuhn.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

Achieving the elusive ROI on an EHR

Navigant's David Burik discusses the challenges hospitals face with their electronic health records and how to maximize their systems to achieve an ROI. Also, five key elements to an effective analytics solution.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

A Lannister always pays his medical debts (when offered a reasonable payment plan)

Pattie Kloehn of Healthwide Solutions and Bruce Haupt of ClearBalance describe trends in patient payment plans and detail how UConn Health achieved a 230% ROI on its own patient payment program. Also, five fast facts about revenue integrity.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

Shall we play a game?

Computer hackers have been around almost as long as computers themselves, but the risks to healthcare organizations are growing. On today's episode, we explore cybersecurity in hospitals and health systems--what information hackers want, what to do after a breach occurs, and how to avoid one in the first place.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

How Providence St. Joseph Health used variation analysis to engage physicians

Kevin Fleming and Caleb Stowell from Washington-based Providence St. Joseph Health talk about how their system addressed clinical variation. Also: Rich Daly and Chad Mulvany debut Beyond the News, a deep dive into a current hot topic in healthcare.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019

Bundle up: Developments in BPCI Advanced

Rich Daly interviews Michael Wolford, a senior manager at DHG Healthcare, about the early results of Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced. Also, five reasons why health systems will need advanced cost accounting in a segment sponsored by Strata Decision Technology.

Erika Grotto May 30, 2019
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