Healthcare Finance News

Hospital leaders have options to help their supply chains during the coronavirus pandemic

Hospitals may be feeling desperate as they scramble to address the COVID-19 pandemic, but supply chain managers and finance leaders can take several steps to mitigate shortages.

Nick Hut March 26, 2020

CMS modifies hospital inspection program amid coronavirus pandemic

State and federal inspections of hospitals will focus on locales where the CDC anticipates COVID-19 outbreaks.

Rich Daly March 25, 2020

Information-sharing rule creates new hospital, health plan transparency requirements

Hospitals and health plans will face new patient data transparency requirements in as soon as six months under two new final rules from the federal government.

Rich Daly March 11, 2020

CDC: Hospitals must screen all ED patients for new coronavirus

New guidance from the CDC explains the steps required of hospital emergency departments when treating patients suspected of having COVID-19.

Rich Daly March 11, 2020

The new hfm is (re)designed to help you get what you need faster and easier

A new, next-level design makes hfm easier to read and more useful than ever.

Brad Dennison March 5, 2020

HFMA gathering aims to arm CFOs for coming challenges

Inaugural HFMA Financial Sustainability Summit, April 16-17 in Denver, will bring together more than 200 hospital and physician practice CFOs to learn and share strategies.

Rich Daly March 3, 2020

Find the latest numbers and events shaping healthcare finance

Read about key events and the numbers shaping healthcare finance policy and practice in recent weeks.

Rich Daly March 2, 2020

CMS proposes extending mandatory bundled payment model for joint replacements

CMS plans to extend the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement program with modifications.

HFMA February 26, 2020

Why health plans remain leery of giving quality data to enrollees

Shortcomings in quality data limit its usefulness to enrollees, health plans say.

Rich Daly February 21, 2020

Compromise on surprise medical bills is coming, congressional staff say

A compromise solution for surprise medical bills is nearing and could include costs for both providers and health plans.

Rich Daly February 20, 2020
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