
340B Suit Rejected—for Now

Jan. 2—Medicare payment cuts to hospitals in the 340B program went into effect Jan. 1 after a federal judge deemed too premature a last-minute request to block the new policy.

Rich Daly January 3, 2018

Book Rescue

One man helps book owners save books they value highly because of the profound impact the tomes have had on their lives. How many hobbies can help families preserve their legacy? Louis Papoff fondly remembers an elderly woman from his

HFMA November 30, 2017

Short-Term Financial Hit for Hospitals Post-M&A: Report

Contrary to expectations, there is no immediate turnaround in the finances of acquired hospitals, according to an HFMA and Deloitte study.

Rich Daly November 27, 2017

Windy Runner: How the midlife start of a hobby became a lifelong passion

Linda Klute started running at an HFMA event and realized it provided lifelong stress relief and comradery.

Etcetera October 27, 2017

HFMA Announces Best Article Award Winners

HFMA is pleased to announce the recipients of the Helen Yerger/L. Vann Seawell Best Article Award for outstanding editorial achievement in hfm magazine in FY17.

HFMA News October 9, 2017

EY Leader: Executive Experience Session Showcases Potential for Collaboration

Executive Experience attendees at HFMA’s ANI 2017 provided input on four vital issues that need to be addressed when seeking to establish value-based partnerships.

HFMA October 5, 2017

Attendee Feedback: How to Develop Value-Based Partnerships

Executive Experience attendees at HFMA’s ANI 2017 provided input on four vital issues that need to be addressed when seeking to establish value-based partnerships.

HFMA October 5, 2017

Hoop Dreams: Healthcare Finance Leader Recalls World of Collegiate Basketball

Katie White turned her love of basketball into a full scholarship to college and then a way to help other aspiring athletes.

HFMA August 23, 2017

HFMA MAP Keys and the MAP Awards

HFMA’s MAP Award recognizes healthcare organizations for excellence in meeting industry standard revenue cycle benchmarks, referred to as MAP Keys.

HFMA August 23, 2017

Award-Winning Healthcare Providers Offer Insights for Improved Revenue Cycle Performance

The 17 winners of HFMA’s 2017 MAP Award for High Performance in Revenue Cycle offer tips on revenue cycle excellence that can benefit other providers.

Laura Ramos Hegwer August 23, 2017
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