
Value: The Way Forward

Value-based payment won’t bend the cost curve unless healthcare organizations commit to fundamental change. Not everyone will come out whole. 

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 25, 2018

The Current Outlook for Value-Based Care Under the Trump Administration

Value initiatives introduced by the Affordable Care Act have met with varied success. Under the Trump administration, the future of these initiatives is uncertain.

Ken Perez April 25, 2018

Healthcare Finance Literacy: a New Workforce Competency

Given that finance is integral to every decision that is made in healthcare organizations today, everyone on the team should have a basic understanding of healthcare finance.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 23, 2018

Amazon in Health Care? Yawn . . .

The recently announced Amazon-Berkshire Hathaway-JPMorgan Chase affiliation has been widely discussed an important development in health care, but it would not likely have enough control and leverage to bring about meaningful change.

Jeff Helton,  PHD, FHFMA, CMA, CFE April 3, 2018

Provider-Sponsored Health Plans: Cautions and Opportunities

Hospitals and health systems that are contemplating establishing a provider-sponsored health plan face considerable challenges today in such an undertaking, but it can be an effective strategy for some. 

Lia Winfield, PhD April 3, 2018

The Future of the Hospital

Reduced utilization of hospitals has many calling their future usefulness into question.

James H. Landman, JD, PhD March 21, 2018

Assessing Risk in Healthcare Finance Calls for Stewardship

Amid the healthcare industry’s ongoing transformation, healthcare leaders are called upon to be stewards in guiding their organizations through change and managing financial and operational risk.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH March 21, 2018

Has Value Become a Buzzword?

Our shared vision of value is at risk. We won’t attain high-value health care unless we agree on what that means.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 21, 2018

Developing a Future Generation Integrated Healthcare System

To envision new and better ways to rapidly reduce healthcare costs, the U.S. healthcare industry should take a lesson from approaches used by other countries, including China.

Keith D. Moore, MCP March 21, 2018

Debunking MACRA Myths: Hospitals’ Vital Role in Physician Success

Time is running out for physicians participating in the Merit-based Incentive Payment system to submit the minimum data required for 2017.

Sreeram Mantha March 6, 2018
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