
The Texas Federal District Court’s Ruling on the Constitutionality of the ACA

The 2018 ruling in by the Texas District Court declaring Affordable Care Act unconstitutional is expected to be overturned, but the decision still could have an adverse effect on the future of value-based payment.

Ken Perez January 23, 2019

Innovation in Health Care—It’s Not Just an App

Innovative technology often is seen as the means for transforming health care, but what ultimately is required is innovative thinking that doesn’t rely solely on technology but also looks at ways to improve processes.

Jeff Helton,  PHD, FHFMA, CMA, CFE January 23, 2019

Thoughtful Assessment: A Critical Gap in Business Intelligence

Internal business intelligence is essential for healthcare decision making.

Eric McKesson January 10, 2019

Winning Strategies to Transform Health Care in 2019

Healthcare providers should keep certain best practices in mind when choosing new technology in 2019.

Geoff Martin December 26, 2018

Price Transparency: The View from Washington

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses implications of a new federal report that addresses price transparency.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 26, 2018

Resolve to Collaborate in 2019

Cross-professional partnerships can enhance healthcare organizations ability to achieve shared goals of improving the patient experience, reducing the cost of care, and improving population health.

Kevin Brennan, FHFMA, CPA December 26, 2018

Medicare’s Move Toward Site-Neutral Payment

A payment change in the OPPS final rule that aims to align payments made for services delivered in off-campus hospital outpatient departments with those made for services delivered in physician offices has raised considerable controversy.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD December 26, 2018

Who’s Driving the Bus?

Disruption from new market entrants and issues around price transparency are among the trends that could make life difficult for traditional healthcare stakeholders if they fail to adapt.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 18, 2018

Crowdfunding: Assessing Benefits and Risks

Crowdfunding can increase investor participation and engagement between project initiators and potential funders, as well as raise awareness of neglected health issues.

William Marty Martin December 5, 2018

Rebalancing the Portfolio

As they modify their strategies to account for change in 2019, healthcare organizations should consider how risks and rewards might have changed and where they might best redeploy their dollars.

Keith D. Moore, MCP November 28, 2018
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