
Cowling named as new trustee to the AHA Board and Snyder announces retirement

This month’s People column features two members: Phyllis Cowling, who is a newly elected trustee on the AHA board and Rick Snyder who shares the news of his retirement.

HFMA January 26, 2021

Medicine should be for mind, body and spirit

Healthcare financial leaders can foster improved patient outcomes and well-being by advocating for an approach to healthcare that includes acknowledging the spiritual aspect of patients as human beings.

Martin Bluth January 25, 2021

‘Bidencare’: What’s achievable?

The new Biden administration could achieve either of two scenarios in the realm of health policy: One would involve bold changes to health policy, whereas the other, which is more likely, would involve less-ambitious reforms that can garner bipartisan support.

Ken Perez January 22, 2021

Price transparency: the next chapter

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer discusses the latest developments in the societal movement toward full price transparency in healthcare.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 22, 2021

COVID-19: How healthcare leaders help their organizations be more consumer-oriented coming out of the crisis

In the wake of COVID-19, healthcare leaders should go beyond reconstruction to consider ways to permanently improve the patient experience.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 22, 2021

Fellner celebrates 50 years of HFMA membership and Borrego aims to earn all HFMA certifications

HFMA member Bernard Fellner tributes his involvement in HFMA for his career growth after spending 50 years with the organization. And member Fabian Borrego has to complete only one certification to become certified in every certification HFMA offers.

HFMA December 29, 2020

For leaders, a trying holiday season is no time for compassion fatigue

As national and global events add to the stress that many already feel during the holidays, leaders can do their part to give team members reason to celebrate.

Jill Geisler December 16, 2020

Reflections on a year like no other for the healthcare industry

HFMA President and CEO Joseph J. Fifer reflects on the unique challenges that 2020 brought and applauds all who stepped up to meet this moment.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA December 14, 2020

New Year’s resolutions for leaders as they get ready to leave a challenging year behind

The year 2021 brings the promise of big improvement over 2020, and leaders should be thinking about ways to help their organizations capitalize on pending developments.

Jill Geisler December 9, 2020

Chad Thompson: Why earning and holding all HFMA certifications is beneficial

In this month’s People column, one member explains why earning any or all HFMA certifications is beneficial, one member shares the news of her published article in Nurse Leader magazine and two members announce new job titles.

HFMA November 25, 2020
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