
The fall of Haven, but the persistence of Amazon

Although many might have viewed the decision by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to shut down Haven, their ambitious joint venture, as a setback for Amazon, in particular, there is good reason to believe Amazon has not given up plans for a deeper involvement in healthcare.

Ken Perez February 22, 2021

How leaders can reduce stress for employees instead of adding to it

The actions and attitudes of leaders help determine whether employees are at risk of becoming overwhelmed by stress to the point where their productivity and possibly their health suffer.

Jill Geisler February 22, 2021

Physician practices are facing operational and financial headwinds

A recent study finds that most performance measures of physician practices declined in 2020 relative to 2019 levels. The findings suggest reinforcing the physician performance improvement infrastructure should remain a priority for hospitals and health systems with employed physicians.

Jim Blake February 19, 2021

It’s all in the breath: An argument for improved outcomes and reduced costs in healthcare

Effective breathing is known to promote good health, but our healthcare system has given relatively little attention to the concept of breathing therapy. COVID-19 has increased the need for a greater focus on this issue, and there are simple steps healthcare organizations can take to address it.

Martin Bluth February 19, 2021

Any port in a storm: How we can help each other navigate the challenging months ahead

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer reflects on pandemic fatigue and what healthcare leaders can do to support their colleagues through the challenging months ahead.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA February 13, 2021

Q&A: HFMA’s new learning platform detailed in this discussion with Strategy Senior Vice President Mary Mirabelli

HFMA’s impressive new e-learning platform upgrades are discussed in this Q&A with Mary Mirabelli, HFMA’s senior vice president of strategy.

Brad Dennison February 3, 2021

The patient’s role in innovation

Do you want to know what your parents are thinking? Try asking them.

Jeff Helton,  PHD, FHFMA, CMA, CFE February 1, 2021

‘Here Comes the Sun’

HFMA Chair Michael Allen points to a lesson healthcare finance leaders can take away from the world's experience with COVID-19.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA January 29, 2021

How to use influence to enhance your powers of persuasion in the workplace

To exert influence, leaders should strive to establish credibility, reliability and empathy and know how to connect with different members of their teams.

Jill Geisler January 26, 2021

Chapters New Jersey and Hudson Valley collaborate to host a magician, and Greater Heartland plays ‘Name That Tune’ for virtual social events

The New Jersey and Hudson Valley Chapters combined their efforts to put on a virtual show for their members, while the Greater Heartland Chapter had its members engaged with a ‘Name That Tune’ game.

HFMA January 26, 2021
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