
Time to take a fresh look at affiliation options for physicians and health systems

As the healthcare marketplace continues to evolve, posing new challenges and creating new opportunities, so too will affiliation models continue evolve in ways that can best meet current and future needs of healthcare providers. In this environment, health systems and physician practices — both independent and employed — could benefit from taking a fresh look…

Matthew Bates January 27, 2023

Joe Fifer: Why finance leaders require the courage to lead  

Books, movies and even campaign themes — often, they don’t age well. Apart from those with classic themes, they can quickly come to seem irrelevant in our fast-paced environment. So much has changed since I took office as HFMA chair 17 years ago. but I believe that my chair theme, “courage in leadership,” has the…

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA January 26, 2023

A clinical background can give a hospital CFO greater financial acumen

Stephen “Jan” Grigsby, FHFMA, MHA, vice president and CFO at Springhill Medical Center (SMC) in Mobile Alabama, is one of those rare senior finance executives who came to his position from a clinical background. And as his experience shows, such finance leaders are likely to have valuable lessons and perspectives to share with their peers…

Steven Berger, FHFMA January 26, 2023

Aaron Crane: Collaboration and problem-solving ignite cost-effective health

Happy New Year! Reflecting on my “Ignite the Spark” theme, I’d like to offer more guidance for those inspired to take action in 2023. My message focuses on three key areas that inhibit cost-effective health in this country ― waste in our healthcare delivery system, health inequity and an American lifestyle contributing to significant chronic…

Aaron R. Crane, FHFMA, MHA January 26, 2023

Andrew Donahue: Why the nation could see major healthcare reform legislation soon

Don’t expect much healthcare reform from the 118th Congress. That’s what many pundits said after the mid-term elections, based on two common assumptions. 1 The administration had its shot. During the first two years of President Joe Biden’s first term, when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House, healthcare reform was mostly…

Andrew Donahue, FHFMA, CPA January 24, 2023

Jill Geisler: Resolve to upgrade your communication in 2023

What are your key goals for 2023? You’ve probably established your business goals for the year ahead. But what about personal goals?  What can you do to improve your leadership effectiveness and benefit your team? Let me offer a worthy resolution: In 2023, pledge to upgrade the quality of your communication. It’s a critical part…

Jill Geisler January 16, 2023

David Johnson: The end of traditional nonprofit healthcare business models?

What is going on with nonprofit health systems? I recently gave a keynote address to an investor forum that included CEOs from roughly a dozen nonprofit health systems. We dug into the structural and environmental challenges confronting their organizations. When queried, over half the CEOs admitted that their asset-heavy business models were not sustainable. Most…

David W. Johnson December 21, 2022

Florida Chapter fosters industry innovators 

HFMA’s Florida Chapter hosted a Professional Development & Innovator Workshop on Sept. 18, the first day of its 2022 Fall Conference at the Margaritaville Resort in Hollywood, Florida. This wasn’t the Chapter’s first professional development workshop. It was, however, different from those previously offered.   A shift in focus That difference was due to the Chapter’s…

Crystal Milazzo December 13, 2022

Pete November is new CEO at Ochsner Health 

The Ochsner Health board of directors has unanimously appointed Pete November, JD, CPA, as CEO. November previously served as executive vice president and CFO of the New Orleans-based health system.  “Pete is an exemplary leader who has a deep understanding of Ochsner Health, our patients and the communities we serve,” said Andy Wisdom, Ochsner board…

Crystal Milazzo December 13, 2022

Aaron Crane: HFMA launches DEI task force 

Season’s greetings to everyone! As we prepare to close out 2022 and ring in a new year, I am excited to let you know about the HFMA Board of Directors’ recent decision to launch a task force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). But first, a bit of background.  Earlier this year, Deloitte published an…

Aaron R. Crane, FHFMA, MHA December 13, 2022
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