
Delivering scalable, patient-focused revenue cycle management services

A revenue cycle management company talks about the importance of experience, versatility, and customer service when responding to current and emerging revenue cycle challenges.

HFMA August 31, 2022

How four health systems are using revenue cycle management robotics

Health system executives say that they were already using automation before the pandemic, and the pandemic led them to speed up the adoption process.

Lisa A. Eramo, MA August 31, 2022

ElevatePFS delivers exceptional, patient-focused revenue cycle management services

Are you a provider dealing with government regulations, recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and adapting to technological advancements? Find out how to alleviate stress while navigating the complex revenue cycle challenges, while also delivering a positive patient experience.

HFMA August 30, 2022

How a workforce marketplace ecosystem can reduce traveler nurse dependence and stabilize a hospital’s labor cost model

High labor costs are threatening the viability of many hospitals and health systems. A workforce ecosystem approach, after Uber’s “gig worker” approach, can help ensure organizations have access to a stable, cost-effective workforce, with reduced reliance on costly alternatives such as over-reliance on trave nurse.

Craig Allan Ahrens, MHA, MBA August 30, 2022

HFMA member is thankful for the Association’s impact on her life

Candi Powers, the chief revenue cycle officer at Mon Health System, describes how HFMA membership changed the trajectory of her life.

HFMA July 5, 2022

Why treating chronic diseases may be costing us more than we think

Healthcare providers should revisit short-sighted care protocols for patients with nonconventional chronic conditions; as they stand, the protocols may save costs initially but ultimately lead to poorer outcomes and greater costs.

Martin Bluth June 24, 2022

Revenue Cycle Insights June 2022

Hospital pricing and surprise billing remain hot topics, with Senior Editor Nick Hut outlining some recent reports on the subject. And Jonathan Blum, of CMS, describes how the industry is reacting to the agency’s new regulations of price disclosure and surprise billing, in a podcast with Joe Fifer, CEO of HFMA.

HFMA June 22, 2022

How HFMA/Boise State master’s degree cohort members are putting new knowledge to work

Abby Birch, Grayson Johnston and Jacob Dalmas, three members of the first HFMA/Boise State master's in Population and Health Systems Management cohort, discuss their experiences in the program.

Deborah Filipek June 1, 2022

Igniting the spark for healthcare transformation

Wildfires in the nation’s healthcare system, from misaligned incentives to disparities in health outcomes and care access, have led to devastating consequences, says HFMA Chair Aaron Crane.

Jeni Williams May 31, 2022

More not-for-profit health systems opt to pay board members

The goal is to lure and keep qualified board members, who are becoming harder to find.

Lola Butcher May 31, 2022
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