
Hospitals can bring their case on disproportionate share hospital payments to the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court granted hospitals’ request that it hear their appeal about the formula for determining Medicare disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, landing the case on the docket for the 2024-25 term. More than 200 hospitals are plaintiffs in the case. A federal district court ruled for HHS and against the hospitals in 2022, and…

Nick Hut June 12, 2024

Health system CEO tells Congress proposed 340B changes would be harmful to organizations like his

A health system executive visited Capitol Hill recently to provide the hospital perspective on the 340B Drug Pricing Program — a viewpoint that increasingly is coming under fire among policymakers. Matthew Perry, president and CEO of Genesis HealthCare System in Zanesville, Ohio, appeared at a House subcommittee hearing June 4 to give insight on why…

Nick Hut June 10, 2024

Personalized communication helps State provide the highest possible recovery and patient-satisfaction rates for clients

Learn about a company that combines advanced technology with human interaction to increase recoveries and patient satisfaction.

HFMA June 4, 2024

News Briefs: A second appeals court rules against providers in the 340B contract-pharmacy dispute

A decision issued by an appeals court represents the latest setback for 340B providers seeking to secure price discounts on Medicare Part B drugs. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on May 21 upheld a district-court ruling that drug manufacturers can impose restrictions on the 340B discounts they provide for drugs dispensed at contract pharmacies.…

Nick Hut June 3, 2024

For providers, application of the 2-midnight rule to Medicare Advantage appears to bring a revenue influx

Hospitals appear to have gained a significant, albeit likely short-term, revenue boost from CMS’s 2023 directive to Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans regarding the two-midnight rule. The rule first was instituted in 2013 for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS), requiring the program to cover hospital stays as inpatient admissions if the admitting physician expects the stay to…

Nick Hut June 3, 2024

How one health system focused on revenue cycle staff education to improve its denial rate

Many longtime revenue cycle leaders can recall a simpler time when insurance companies sold plans that were broadly accepted by providers in their service areas. Back then, hospitals provided services to patients, billed their health insurance plans and expected relatively prompt payment. This is no longer true. Today’s revenue cycle team members must be knowledgeable…

Kristen Shoup, CHFP, MBA, RHIA June 3, 2024

What health systems need to know about partnering to develop an ASC strategy

Health systems must contend with conflicting imperatives. While remaining intensely focused on day-to-day operations and financial viability, they cannot ignore longer-term strategic imperatives, which may include building out a full continuum of care to succeed under value-based payment while maintaining market relevance. Yet many health systems face significant impediments to broadening the continuum of care,…

Daniel M. Grauman, MBA, CPA/ABV June 2, 2024

Incoming HFMA Chair Marc Scher encourages healthcare finance professionals to be more innovative and strategic

Marc Scher, HFMA’s incoming National Chair, was touring the Colorado Snowsports Museum when he came across an exhibit dedicated to the 10th Mountain Division of the U.S. Army. The 10th was a strategic innovation for the Army, designed to address emerging wartime risks, and it created a significant competitive advantage for the United States during…

Jeni Williams May 31, 2024

A new DOJ task force is the latest example of intensified federal oversight of healthcare antitrust issues

A new task force at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is likely to bring additional scrutiny on whether healthcare transactions adversely affect competition. The department’s Antitrust Division announced the formation of a group to “consider widespread competition concerns shared by patients, healthcare professionals, businesses and entrepreneurs, including issues regarding payer-provider consolidation, serial acquisitions, labor…

Nick Hut May 29, 2024

340B providers are at a disadvantage after the latest court ruling on contract pharmacies

A decision issued by an appeals court represents the latest setback for 340B providers hoping to secure widespread access to price discounts on Medicare Part B drugs. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on May 21 upheld a district-court ruling that drug manufacturers can impose restrictions on the 340B discounts…

Nick Hut May 24, 2024
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