Iowa Chapter

President’s Welcome

Full disclosure: As a natural introvert, I was terrified when a partner in my firm brought me to my first HFMA meeting and even more so when he “volun-told” me into being a member of the communications committee and later, the Chapter Treasurer. I’m sure this is precisely the trajectory he envisioned for me, but even now, I am surprised to find myself in this role as President of the Iowa HFMA Chapter for 2024-2025.

From barely speaking to anyone at my first meeting (stranger danger!) to now traveling all over the country to conferences with my HFMA colleagues, it’s safe to say that I’ve come a long way in my HFMA journey. Being a member and leader in HFMA brings the obvious perks of education and networking, but one of the biggest benefits to me has been personal growth. Not only has my involvement in the Chapter improved my networking and public speaking skills, but it has led to more confidence and lifelong friendships.

The Iowa Chapter has never had a shortage of dedicated volunteers. I have been so fortunate to go through my HFMA journey with a wonderful group of people who are passionate about HFMA and the progression of our Chapter. I would be remiss to not extend a huge thank you to our current officers, board members, committee chairs and committee members who selflessly donate their time and talents to our Chapter, many of them for several years.

A very special thank you is due to my predecessor, our Past President, Jenny Peterson. As our programming chair, she was instrumental in pivoting our chapter to adapt to the constraints of COVID-19 by hosting the first hybrid meeting among all HFMA chapters and was rewarded for her innovation with a Chapter Success Award in 2022. Jenny’s dedication to and enthusiasm for our Chapter is unmatched and her passion for HFMA extends to the National level. I speak for our entire Chapter when I say how proud we are that Jenny will be representing Iowa as a Chapter Advancement Team leader for National HFMA for the next 3 years. This is a huge honor and time commitment, further proving how great our volunteers are!

Becoming a “volun-told” volunteer has been one of the best experiences of my professional career and I encourage any of my fellow “stereotypical accountants” to take a leap and join the Iowa Chapter as a volunteer. There are so many volunteer opportunities, big and small, and I know there is the perfect role for you! If you are interested in joining us, please fill out this form or reach out to me at [email protected], I would love to get you connected with our group.

I am absolutely honored to be your Iowa HFMA President this year and look forward to working with the incoming slate of leaders, as well as our sponsors. Without their support, we would not be able to provide the exceptional programming and events the Iowa Chapter is known for. I am here for you, our members, and welcome any ideas and feedback you have to offer.

Our Chapter celebrated our 70th Anniversary in January and I am confident the next 70 years of Iowa HFMA will be just as successful and I look forward to leading the Chapter over the next year.

Jaiden Ellenwood, MBA, CPA, FHFMA
Assurance Senior Manager, Eide Bailly LLP
Iowa HFMA President 2024-2025

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Thanks to Our Platinum Sponsors!

Baird Holm LLP
Credit Bureau Services of Iowa, Inc. (CBSI)
CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP)
Creditor Advocates Inc
Eide Bailly LLP | CPAs and Business Advisors
Forvis Mazars
Knowtion Health
Revco Solutions
TrueNorth Companies, L.C.
UMB Financial Corporation