North Carolina Awards & Scholarships


HFMA Founders Merit Award

Program Information

The full details of the Program can be found in your Member Profile. Simply click on the member icon/image in the top right of your screen and then click My Founder’s Points.

Although HFMA National and the chapters track most member points, it is ultimately the responsibility of the individual member to report points earned to the Chapter’s Founders Award Chairperson, who serves as a liaison to HFMA National. Member points are automatically transferred from one chapter to another.

To streamline this process, members will self-report their points to NCHFMA. The chapter will maintain a webform for members submit a request for Founders Points.

When Founders Points have been submitted by a member, an email notification will be sent to the NCHFMA Founders Award Chairperson, and a record of the members request will automatically be stored in a spreadsheet format that is connected to the webform. The NCHFMA Founders Award Chairperson will submit these Founders Points to HFMA National.


The NCHFMA Enterprise Innovation Award recognizes the outstanding performance of a provider organization that supports the NCHFAM through its individual and/or enterprise membership and demonstrates excellence in the categories of Collaboration, Education, Improvement of Innovation within its organization or healthcare industry.

The award will be presented each year at the NCHFMA Annual Meeting. The chapter may present up to three award recipients in a chapter year.**

It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to verify that the minimum criteria have been met.


Participants must be a provider organization and have current and actively participating NCHFMA members.

The recipient(s) of the award must be willing to provide a breakout session during the NCHFMA Annual Meeting.

Submissions must be based on activities that occurred with 18 months of the award deadline.

**Organizations may submit more than one application.

Nomination Instructions and Nomination Form

North Carolina Memorial Award

The North Carolina HFMA Memorial Award was established in 1980 to honor the memory of Roland H. Seals and Ronald A. Russell, two former members of the NCHFMA Chapter who demonstrated unselfish character and integrity while contributing sustained and outstanding service to NCHFMA and to the healthcare industry.  Mr. Seals served as President of NCHFMA for the 1972/73 Chapter year, and Mr. Russell served as President during the 1978/79 Chapter year. 

In February 2015, the NCHFMA Board of Directors voted to add the name of Mary Amelia Bryant to the award in recognition of her immeasurable contributions to the North Carolina Chapter of HFMA and to the field of healthcare in general.  Ms. Bryant served as President of NCHFMA during the 1995/96 Chapter year.

The NCHFMA Memorial Award is given as a tribute to the professional legacy of these three individuals and is intended to recognize other HFMA members who have, over a career of service, exhibited the same exemplary levels of commitment and character.  The requirements for receiving the award are high; therefore, the award is not considered an annual one, but will instead be bestowed only when a member’s contributions to the Chapter and the field of healthcare are noteworthy, outstanding, and sustained over many years of service.

Minimum Criteria for Determining Award Recipients: 

(The Awards Committee will verify that the minimum criteria has been met)

  1. Must have held HFMA membership for at least fifteen years, with a minimum of ten years of service in the North Carolina Chapter.
  2. Must have received (or be eligible to receive) the Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award.
  3. Must receive a minimum of 3 nominations from a diverse representation of the membership. The nominations cannot be duplicates or copies of the same words describing the nominee, and must contain verifiable information.

Recommended format for nominations:

  1. Describe how the nominee has consistently (annually) participated in Chapter activities as a volunteer.  These activities may include participation in Chapter meetings, in Chapter workshops, in Matrix, in writing papers, in performing projects, serving as an officer, serving as a Member of the Board of Directors, etc.
  2. Describe how the nominee has impacted the Chapter and served as a role model for other volunteers.
  3. Describe how the nominee has influenced the healthcare community and profession with their financial expertise outside their volunteer efforts in the North Carolina Chapter. These may include participation in activities at the National HFMA level, mentoring other HFMA members, or serving in healthcare leadership roles outside of HFMA.
  4. Describe how the nominee has demonstrated a record of leadership in both HFMA and the healthcare industry.
  5. Provide five words that can always be used to describe this individual.

Duties of the Awards Committee:

The Awards Committee is established in Section 6 of the Chapter Bylaws and is defined in the North Carolina Chapter Policy and Procedure Manual.  The Committee consists of the Immediate Past President, the Current President, two members at large who have served as Presidents of the North Carolina Chapter appointed by the Board of Directors, and one member at large appointed by the Board of Directors.  The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors.  Members of the Awards Committee are not allowed to submit nominations for the Memorial Award.

Nominations must be submitted individually by the nominator by the date specified each year, and it is the responsibility of the Chair of the Awards Committee to collect all nominations for the award.  Multiple nominations for the same nominee will then be consolidated and summarized by the Chair to assist in determining if the nominee meets the qualifications.  This summary, along with the individual nominations for each nominee, will be shared in strict confidence with the other members of the Committee.  The Awards Committee will review the nominations, and a report will be prepared by the Chair which will be presented to the NCHFMA Board of Directors announcing the decision(s) of the Committee.  That report will provide information regarding the number of individuals nominated, a summary of their qualifications, and any recommendation that is to be presented for consideration.  

In a year of multiple nominees, all things being equal in the basic criteria, if a particular candidate has made contributions “beyond the Chapter,” above and beyond those of other nominees, the selection will be based on those “beyond the Chapter” contributions.  In the event that a nomination lacks information that could define these “beyond the Chapter” contributions, it is within the purview of the Awards Committee to contact the nominator(s) for additional, clarifying information.

The Award will be presented during the NCHFMA Annual Meeting, after which the Chair of the Awards Committee will provide written communication to all nominator(s) of individuals not selected for the Award, thanking them for their nomination(s).  This communication will incorporate language encouraging the nominator to resubmit the nomination for future consideration.

The work of the Awards Committee and any nominations taken to the Board of Directors is done in a strictly confidential manner and should not be discussed with anyone outside of the Awards Committee.  If the Board of Directors receives a nominee from the Awards Committee, that information is also received and acted on in a strict confidential manner and should not be discussed.  This information shall remain confidential for the life of the individuals serving on the Awards Committee even after their term of service.

The NCHFMA Memorial Award Recipients

Kim Coker2022-2023
Kenneth W. Vance2021-2022
Chris Johnson2017-2018
Larry Hughes2016-2017
D. Ronald Tomlinson, FHFMA (Posthumous)2010-2011
Bobby E. Duncan, FHFMA (Posthumous)2008-2009
Bunnie B. Overby2006-2007
Amelia Bryant, FHFMA2003-2004
Charles L. Acker2001-2002
Don Whittington1996-1997
Belinda Tilley1991-1992
John William Moffitt1988-1989
Ronald A. Russell (Posthumous)1985-1986
Robert L. Newton, FHFMA1983-1984
Roland H. Seals (Posthumous)1980-1981

North Carolina Healthcare Financial Management Association

Policy/Procedure – Revised August 20, 2015

It is the policy of the North Carolina Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association to promote the field of healthcare financial management by awarding scholarships to outstanding students for the study of healthcare financial management.  Outstanding students seeking a degree in healthcare administration or healthcare management with an interest in a career in healthcare financial management will be eligible for the scholarships.

The scholarship program is named in honor of J. William “Bill” Moffitt, Ed D., a founding member of the North Carolina Chapter of HFMA, and a strong supporter of higher education.

The scholarship program will be administered by a chapter Scholarship Committee, consisting of a minimum of three (3) Chapter Past-Presidents, who shall be members in good standing, appointed by the NCHFMA President.  One of the members of the Scholarship Committee will be designated as the committee chair by the NCHFMA President.  The Chair of the Scholarship Committee will be responsible for publicizing and promoting the Scholarship to members in the Tarheel News and to educational institutions in North Carolina that offer healthcare management or health administration programs.  The Chair of the Scholarship Committee will also be responsible for ensuring that the chapter website has the current mailing address and email address for submission of the application.

Scholarship Details:

  • Two scholarships per year, valued at $2,000 each, will be awarded to be applied to room, board, tuition, and books.  The scholarship payment will be made to the student’s account at the educational institution in which the student is enrolled.
  • The scholarship awards will include waiver of registration fees for the Annual Meeting and the Summer Institute for the scholarship year.
  • The scholarships will be awarded twice per year and will be presented at the Annual Meeting or at the Summer Institute.  The award will also include reimbursement of up to $200 expenses for attendance at the meeting at which the award is presented.
  • Candidates may only receive one award of the scholarship.

Candidate Qualifications:

  • Must be sponsored/recommended by a member in good standing of HFMA whose home chapter is the North Carolina Chapter.
  • Must be currently enrolled in a community college, college, or university for seeking a 2-year, 4-year, or advanced degree in health administration, health management, or business, and with a demonstrated concentration and career interest in healthcare financial management.
  • Must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation) and must be maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent passing grade, at the institution of current enrollment.

Application Process:

  • Candidates must submit a 500 – 1000 word essay on the reasons he/she has chosen the field of healthcare financial management and his/her plans for a career in this field.
  • Candidates must supply two letters of reference, one from the sponsoring/recommending NCHFMA member and one from an employer or instructor.
  • Candidates must submit current official transcripts from the institution of current enrollment.
  • Candidates must provide documentation of academic standing upon submission of the application.
  • Candidates must complete the attached application form in its entirety, including the section on extracurricular activities and personal interests.  NOTE:  The application can be printed from the NCHFMA web site
  • Candidates must be willing to be interviewed by the Scholarship Committee and/or the NCHFMA Board, if requested.

Selection Process:

  • A candidate’s completed application, with all required attachments and enclosures, is to be given to the sponsoring/recommending NCHFMA member for submission to the NCHFMA Scholarship Committee.  Application packages should be submitted to the Chair of the NCHFMA Scholarship Committee, at the address or email shown on the NCHFMA web site.
  • Application cut-offs will be April 15 and October 15 of each year.
  • Recommendations of the Scholarship Committee for scholarship awards will be submitted to the Board at a subsequent board meeting.
  • If the Scholarship Committee determines that there is a tie between two candidates, the Scholarship Committee may interview the candidates.  If the tie still exists, the Scholarship Committee may forward both applications to the Board and the Board may choose to conduct interviews. 

The North Carolina HFMA John H. Ketner Award Nomination Instructions and Nomination Form – Revised 8/31/2021

The North Carolina HFMA Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award was established to honor John H. Ketner, one of the Chapter’s charter members. The purpose of this prestigious Award is to annually recognize a member who, in a given Chapter year, has put forth an extra effort both in time and quality of work towards the betterment of the Chapter’s work toward meeting the Chapter’s annual Davis Chapter Management goals. Any number of activities would qualify a person for this recognition. Past recipients who have been honored have served as Council Chairs (such as Publications or Programs), have been involved in coordinating major projects or programs, or have been involved in HFMA activities at the National level.

In keeping with this concept, three criteria have been set forth as a guide for determining the recipient of this coveted Chapter award. It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to verify that these minimum criteria have been met.

The minimum criteria for determining recipients of the Ketner Award are:

  • Must have held Chapter membership for at least three years.
  • Must have been active in Chapter activities such as: Chapter Advisory Group (formerly Matrix), workshops and seminars, chapter meetings, writing of articles for the Chapter newsletter, or serving as an Officer, Board Member, Committee Chair, etc.
  • Must have given extraordinary effort on behalf of the North Carolina Chapter for the year for which the award is presented. Both the amount of time and the quality of the effort should be considered in determining the recipient.

The following information must be provided in order to nominate a candidate for the John H Ketner Award:

  • Describe ways in which the nominee has consistently participated in Chapter activities as a volunteer. These activities may include volunteering at Chapter meetings, Chapter workshops, participating in the Chapter Advisory Group (formerly Matrix), writing articles for the Chapter newsletter, or serving as an Officer, Board Member, Committee Chair, etc.
  • Describe how the nominee has impacted the Chapter.
  • Provide five words that can always be used to describe this individual.

Download the nomination form for the John H. Ketner Award. 

Duties of the Awards Committee:

The Awards Committee is established by the Section 6 of the Chapter Bylaws and the composition and duties of the Committee are described in Policy # 43 of the North Carolina HFMA Chapter Policy and Procedure Manual. The Committee consists of the Immediate Past President, the Current President, two members at large who have served as Presidents of the North Carolina Chapter that are appointed by the Board of Directors, and one member at large that is also appointed by the Board of Directors.

Members of the Awards Committee are not allowed to submit nominations for the Award. It is the responsibility of the Chair of the Awards Committee to receive all nominations. Nominations must be submitted individually by the nominator by the date specified each year. Multiple nominations for the same nominee will be consolidated by the Awards Committee Chair to determine if the nominee meets the minimum qualifications for the Award.

This summary, along with the individual nominations for each nominee, will then be distributed to the other members of the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will then review the nominations and make the final determination as to the recipient of the Award. The work and deliberations of the Awards Committee are to be kept in strict confidence and are not to be discussed with anyone outside of the Awards Committee. The information related to this process is to remain confidential for the life of the individuals serving on the Awards Committee, even after their term of service has been completed.

Ketner Award Recipients

Wendi Cardwell2022-2023
Not Awarded2021-2022
Not Awarded2020-2021
Jason Nelms2019-2020
Debbie Hoffman2018-2019
Ariana Zibilich2017-2018
Jody Fleming2016-2017
Elaine Peeler2015-2016
Eb Preuninger 2014-2015
Kevin Leder, CPA2013-2014
Camey Thomason2012-2013
Carol Barron2011-2012
Tim McElderry2010-2011
Veda Williams2009-2010
Ken Vance2008-2009
Kim Coker2007-2008
Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA2006-2007
Gladys J. Mills, CHFP2005-2006
Ron Petterson, FHFMA2004-2005
Kathie Cipriano2003-2004
Carol P. Hoxie, FHFMA, CPA2002-2003
Snow Coriale Roche2001-2002
Steve Duncan2000-2001
Bill Bedsole, FHFMA1999-2000
W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA1998-1999
P.J. Tomolonius1997-1998
Randy B. Medlin, FHFMA1996-1997
Bunnie B. Overby1995-1996
Charles L. Acker1994-1995
Linda Brisson1993-1994
Amelia Bryant, FHFMA1992-1993
Davin Brown, CPA1991-1992
Roger H. Kishman, CHFP1990-1991
Donald R. Whittington1989-1990
Deborah G. Whittington1988-1989
Dennis J. Coffey, FHFMA, CPA1987-1988
Kenneth K. Boggs, FHFMA1986-1987
Bill E. Major, CPA1985-1986
Pete Snow1984-1985
Carolyn Carroll Ward1983-1984
Donald Dunbar, FHFMA1982-1983
Robert L. Newton, FHFMA1981-1982
Oren M. Wyatt, FHFMA1980-1981
Belinda C. Tilley1979-1980
Gene Cochrane1978-1979
Henry D. Parker1977-1978
Jane L. Martin1976-1977
Lucille D. Capps1975-1976
Edward R. Koehler1974-1975
Ronald A. Russell1973-1974
Gerald N. Hewitt, CHFP1972-1973
Elaine Henderson1972-1973
John William Moffitt1971-1972

North Carolina HFMA Milestones

Twenty-eight members petitioned and were granted status as the North Carolina Chapter of the American Association of Hospital Accountants in 1954. When the Charter was granted on January 19, 1954, we had 54 members. The following officers and directors were instrumental in the founding of the Chapter:

  • W.W. Black, President
  • T.F. Williams, Vice President
  • Dorothea Wilson, Secretary
  • Ruth Dekker, Treasurer
  • Frank Zimmerman, Director
  • E.W. Jackson, Director
  • Oscar Marvin, Director
  • W.B. Finlayson, Director

Milestones by Year

70th Anniversary Celebration

Annual Meeting February 7-9, 2024: Celebration of our 70th Anniversary with a 1954 theme.

  • Acclaimed Artist, Keynote Speaker, and Philanthropist William Magnum inspired attendees with his keynote on “The ART of Making a Difference.”
  • HFMA 2023-2024 National Chair Dennis E. Dahlen, FHFMA, MBA, CPA, installed the 2024-2025 officers.
  • Mr. Dahlen joined over 20 Past Presidents and their guests for our annual Past President’s dinner.
  • Mr. Magnum attended the Past President’s dinner and presented each one with an autographed copy of his book “Reflections.”
  • A limited-edition 70th anniversary lapel pin was presented to all Past Presidents, the National Chair, and members of the Board.
  • Remaining pins are being used to raise funds for the food bank and handed out at the discretion of the President during 2024.

Volunteer Engagement

  • Created a new volunteer questionnaire to capture information on members interested in volunteering now and in the future.
  • Introduced a new volunteer award to recognize long-term volunteers, to be presented at the Summer 2024 meeting.

Community and Philanthropy

Myrtle Beach 2023:

  • First Tee Coastal Carolina Charity Golf Outing: Raised $1,000 for First Tee Coastal Carolina.
  • Charity 5K: Raised $1,000 for NC Child.

December 2023:

  • Levine Children’s Toy Drive: Donated a “carload” of toys for the children’s cancer institute.
  • Donated $1,200 to the Levine Children’s Foundation on behalf of speakers.

2024 Food Drive:

  • Commemorating our 70th year with a year-long food drive with the goal to collect 70,000 pounds of food/$10,000 (each $1 donated equates to 7 pounds of food). We are working local food banks in NC and SC.
  • As of May 31, 2024, we have collected/donated the equivalent of  32,348 pounds of food.

Member Awards

  • Bill Bedsole, FACHE, FHFMA, was awarded a Chapter Life Membership at the Annual Meeting in February 2024.
  • Remaining 2023-2024 awards to be presented at the Summer 2024 meeting due to the earlier date of our annual meeting.

Notable Educational Events

  • 2023 Healthcare Finance & Technology Symposium: The sold-out event held December 6-7 in Charlotte, brought together multiple partners and was a huge success.
  • Healthcare Finance 101 Bootcamp: The popular bootcamps  resumed in October 2023 with new facilitators (A. White and R. Shannon) after being led for many years by C. Johnson and C. Sibley.
  • Women’s Leadership Event returned to Cary in May 2024 with great feedback.

NCHFMA Chapter Leadership

Executive Team:

  • President: Christine Sibley, MBA, EJD, CPA, FHFMA
  • President-Elect: Jason Nelms, MHA
  • Secretary: Elaine Peeler, MBA, FHFMA, CRCR, CHCA, CPC, COC
  • Treasurer: Wendi Cardwell, NHCA
  • Immediate Past-President: Kenneth W. Vance, MBA, ACHE


  • Allison White, Chapter Services
  • Kyle Fredette, Education
  • Ty Carson, Volunteer Chair
  • Ashley Sanders, Communication/Social Media Chair
  • Phil Rooney, Membership Chair

Other Chapter Leaders:

  • Elkin Pinamonti, Program Chair
  • Tom Henderson, Partnership Chair
  • Kim Coker, Chapter Bookkeeper
  • Jeff Weeger, NCHA Liaison
  • Clint Stewart, Healthcare Finance Chair
  • Jeff Wakefield, Healthcare Operations Chair
  • Kevin Leder, NASBA Chair

Preparing for the Future

Organizational Restructure for 2024-2025:

  • Revised bylaws to prepare for the 2024-2025 year.
  • New VP position to oversee Programs and Education.
  • Combined Secretary and Treasurer position to maintain board size.
  • Updated job descriptions to reflect new positions and align format/language.
  • Created a generic committee chair description for adaptable leadership roles.

New Partnership:

  • Agreement to host a joint meeting with SC HFMA in 2025.

Highlights: The Chapter had a successful year with a lot of accomplishments. During the Chapter year, we fully updated our Bylaws, Job Descriptions, and Policies and Procedures. In addition, we created the framework for our first Strategic Plan since 2007. These initiatives could not have been accomplished without the countless extra hours committed to the Chapter by the Executive Team and Kim Coker.

We kicked off 2022-2023 with our Summer Meeting in Myrtle Beach followed by a well-attended Eastern Regional Conference in Asheville, NC at the Grove Park Inn. COVID-19 impacted our ability to host the Eastern Regional Conference over the past three years. The 2022 Eastern Regional Conference had 394 attendees and over 8,000 education hours. Kudos to Chris Johnson and Bunnie Overby for being Co- Chairs and the countless hours of prep work led by a dedicated team of volunteers from six states (all of Region 4 plus SCHFMA). Kim Coker prepared a Chapter Success award nomination for our collective efforts.

We capped off the 2022-2023 meetings with our Annual Meeting in Pinehurst, NC in March 2023. Of particular note for 2022-23, the Chapter engaged the Chapter Advancement Team (CAT) from HFMA to assist us with developing a strategic plan as well as providing insight and guidance on Bylaws, Job Descriptions, and converting from our structured MATRIX format to a more specific volunteer engagement model. The Chapter met with the CAT Team in August prior to the Summer meeting (Deanna Gray (Iowa) and Nikki Harper (New Jersey) and again in March prior to the Annual Meeting (Deanna Gray (Iowa) and Marci Mollman (Montana). The collective efforts of the CAT team and our leadership team allowed us to build a 3–4-year strategic plan and provided significant input to our Chapter Success Plan for 2023-2024.

Executive Team: Kenneth W. Vance, MBA, ACHE, President – Retired; President-Elect- Christine Sibley, MBA, EJD, CPA, FHFMA, Assistant Vice-President, Reimbursement, Atrium Health; Secretary – Jason Nelms, MHA, Vice President, Revenue Cycle, Cone Health; Treasurer – Elaine Peeler, MBA, FHFMA, CRCR, CHCA, CPC, COC, Manager, Revenue Cycle Quality, Novant Health; Cameron Thompson, MBA, Vice President, Strategy & Strategic Alliances, LabCorp

Board Members: Wendi Bennett, Program Chair; Marc Brewer, Technology Chair; Kim Coker, Chapter Services Chair and Chapter Bookkeeper; Ty Carson, Volunteer Chair; Kyle Fredette, Education Chair; Tom Henderson, Partnership Chair; Elkin Pinamonti, Membership Chair; and Ashley Sanders, Communications/Social Media Chair

National Appointments:

  • Region 4 Executive – April York, VP, Patient Financial Services & RCS Innovation, Novant Health
  • Maria Jayoussi, National Advisory Council Appointee
  • Karen Shadowens, National Advisory Council Appointee
  • Ken Vance, Board of Directors Morgan Award Selection Committee
  • Chapter Advancement Team – Chris Johnson, VP Revenue Cycle, Atrium Health

Member Awards:

  • North Carolina Memorial Award – Kim Coker
  • John H. Ketner Award – Wendi Bennett
  • William L. Moffitt Scholarship Awards – not awarded.
  • Best Paper Awards – Gabrielle Werling, Senior Performance Management Consultant – Revenue Excellence, Trinity Health. Paper was titled “Collaborating across the Revenue Cycle teams in a Virtual Environment”
  • Robert L. Barber Certification Award – Regina Harkless, CHFP, CSAF, Northern Light Healthcare Manager – Finance Business Partner

HFMA Founders Awards:

  • Follmer Bronze – Elkin Pinamonti
  • Reeves Silver – John Lloyd
  • Medal of Honor – Jeffrey Wakefield

National Awards:

  • Chapter Success Award for NCHFMA – Best Engagement: NCHFMA’s revamped social media communication plan delivers value to membership submitted by Ashley Sanders

Submission Summary: In today’s increasingly work-from-home environment, social media connection is more important than ever. That is why the NC Chapter made it a priority to increase engagement with our Chapter members and provide meaningful content through the strategic use of social media platforms.

  • Chapter Success Award for Region 4 plus SC – Honorable mention for Best Value with our Eastern Regional Conference outcomes submitted by Kim Coker

Chapter Statistics: as of May 31, 2023

Certified Members347
Education hours15,788.5

Milestones – Camey Thomason

COVID-19, need I say more when it comes to milestones for my 2 terms as President for the North Carolina chapter of HFMA. It was a rollercoaster 2 years for our chapter, our state, the country, and the world. Perhaps our biggest accomplishment for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 chapter years was surviving. We finished up the March meeting in Pinehurst in 2020, just before the official start of my first term as President, right as the Coronavirus hit the U.S. officially. Then the world changed…

We became quite adept at hosting virtual sessions, but attention was definitely turned elsewhere for everyone. Never could we have imagined some of the outcomes we had to deal with given a global pandemic. A big thank you to our leadership team for showing grit and creativity during this time. We became experts and contract negotiations, hosting Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc. breakout sessions and discussions.

It wasn’t all bad however, we came away with a really strong group of people who learned a lot about themselves and just what we are all capable of accomplishing. I’m proud to say our Chapter survived the pandemic, we still offered a modicum of education, we offered virtual networking, and tried to support our Chapter members during a once in a lifetime period of time for us all. I might not have the milestones to brag about that some of our past successful Presidents can tout, but we definitely had a wild ride.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the NC HFMA Chapter President, for two consecutive terms (we had great hopes that life would go back to normal in that second term). Another big thank you for my leadership team and all the support you provided! Finally, a big thank you to all our membership for your support, flexibility, and for everything you as healthcare professionals did to support our country during the COVID era.

Carol R. Barron, MBA, MHA, FHFMA, President – Corporate Director, Business Development & Sales, Novant Health; President-Elect- April York, Senior Director of Patient Finance, Novant Health; Secretary – Kevin Leder, CPA,                               Principal, Clifton Larson Allen, LLP; Treasurer – Cameron Thompson, Administrative Director, Wake Forest Baptist Health; Past President – Bill Bedsole, MHA, FACHE, FHFMA, Chief Executive Officer, Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance

National Appointments:

  • Chapter Advancement Team – Kim Coker, Assistant Director, Financial Planning & Analysis, Cone Health    

Member Awards:

  • North Carolina Memorial Award – Chris Johnson
  • John H. Ketner Award – Ariana Zibilich
  • William L. Moffitt Scholarship Awards – Brett Pinnix
  • Best Paper Awards – “Challenges For 501R”, Wendi Bennett, Craig Brondyke, Kim Gore, Bill Howard and Michael Melchior
  • Robert L. Barber Certification Award – Katie Power, CHFP

HFMA Founders Awards:

  • Follmer Bronze – Bill Howard, Cassandra Fahey, Donald McNeill, CPA, Irene Watts, Marc Brewer, Muncie
  • Gold – Christine Sibley, Elaine Peeler, CRCR
  • Medal of Honor – Carol R. Barron, MBA, MHA, FHFMA, Jody Fleming, Timothy Pollard, Kenneth Vance, April York           

National Awards:

  • Helen Yerger Special Recognition Awards: Member Services
  • Helen Yerger Special Recognition Awards: Performance Improvement
  • Helen Yerger Special Recognition Awards: Education
  • Charles F. Mehler Gold Award for Excellence in Education
  • Bronze  Award for Excellence for Certification

Chapter Statistics:

  • Members                          718
  • Certified Members     91
  • Education hours           15,788.5

Bill Bedsole, MHA, FACHE, FHFMA, President – Chief Executive Officer, Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance; Carol Barron, MBA, MHA, FHFMA, President-Elect – Corporate Director, Business Development and Sales, Novant Health; April York, Secretary – Senior Director of Patient Finance, Novant Health; Kevin Leder, CPA, Treasurer – Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP;  Kenneth W. Vance, MBA, ACHE, Past-President – Senior Vice-President, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Healthcare.  Kimberly Coker, MHA, Assistant Director, Financial Planning & Analysis, Cone Health served on the National Chapter Advancement Team.    The Chapter awarded its highest honor, the Memorial Award, posthumously to the family of Larry Vance Hughes, who served as President of the Chapter in 2005/06.  The John H. Ketner Award was presented to Jody Fleming in recognition of her work as Chair of the Sponsorship Committee.  Derek Vestal was awarded the Robert L. Barber Certification Award for the highest NCHFMA score on the HFMA Certification exam.  William L. Moffitt Scholarship Awards were presented to Brandt Bettilyon (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Kendra Worthy (UNC Charlotte).  Best Paper Awards went to Bill Howard (1st Place), Christine Sibley (2nd Place), and John Cook (Honorable Mention).  HFMA Founders Awards were presented as follows:  Follmer Bronze – Rhonda Silver, Muncie Gold – Veda Martin, and Medal of Honor – Sidney Stern, Cameron Thomason, and Tom Henderson, who, although now a member of NCHFMA, received the award in recognition of his service to the Virginia/DC Chapter of HFMA where he served as President.

At the National level, W. Christopher Johnson received the 2017 Frederick C. Morgan Award, National HFMA’s highest individual honor.  This marked the first time a member of NCHFMA has ever received this prestigious award.  As a Chapter, NCHFMA received the Silver Award for Excellence for Certification, the Gold Award for Excellence in Education, and the Henry Hottum Award for Educational Performance Improvement.  The Chapter also earned three (3) chapter-specific Helen Yerger Special Recognition Awards: 1) Innovation Category – the inaugural “Healthcare Women in Leadership Conference,” 2) Innovation Category – “NCHFMA Early Careerists Networking Event,” and 3) Member Service category – “Calling NCHFMA Members – We Need You.”  Additionally, the Chapter earned three (3) Multi-Chapter Helen Yerger Special Recognition Awards with the other Chapters in Region IV.  These were for 1) Regional Webinars, 2) establishment of a Regional Events Calendar, and 3) the 2016 Region IV 2016 Mid-Atlantic Conference.

The Chapter also hosted the 2016 Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference at the Grove Park Inn in Asheboro.  The event, chaired by Bunnie Overby and Chris Johnson, was extremely successful with 282 registrants accounting for over 6,000 education hours.  The Chapter ended the year with 877 members, (11.1% certified), and provided 21,800 total education hours to its members.

Kenneth W. Vance, MBA, ACHE, President, Senior Vice President Bank of America Merrill Lynch Healthcare; Bill Bedsole, FACHE,FHFMA, President-Elect, Chief Executive Officer, Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance; Carol Barron, FHFMA, MBA, MHA, Secretary, Corporate Director, Business Development and Sales, Novant Health; April York, Treasurer, Senior Director of Patient Finance, Novant Health; Tim McElderry, Immediate Past President, Special Projects Controller, Carolinas Healthcare System; and Kimberly Coker, MHA, Assistant Director, Financial Planning & Analysis, Cone Health, served on the National Chapter Advancement Team. The Chapter received the Sister Mary Gerald Bronze Award for Education as well as Membership Growth and Retention, the Silver Award of Excellence for Certification and two Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Innovation and Improvement. Tim McElderry, immediate Past President, was recognized for his efforts on Record Retention and Founders Policy. Tim McElderry will work with Region 4 to electronically store our Chapter records and to identify missing required documents. A donation of $300 was submitted to the Social Justice Consortium to assist families impacted by the floods in the greater Columbia, SC region. The Chapter participated in World Pancreatic Cancer Day to honor the life of Amelia Bryant, who passed away in late 2014 after a 7 week battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Amelia served as VP, Financial Services at NCHA for 10 years and was extremely active with HFMA for many years through NCHFMA, Region 4 and National. Hans Wiik was the inaugural Amelia Bryant Distinguished Lecturer during the annual meeting in March 2016; NCHFMA elected to contribute our speaker honorarium to the college fund of Sarah and Joseph O’Connor. Their mother, Chris O’Connor, fought a courageous battle with cancer. She was a peer, friend, and mentor to many in the Winston-Salem healthcare community; Founder Awards were presented as follows for their volunteer efforts: William G. Follmer Bronze Award – Ty Carson, Debbie Hoffman, Lisa Morgan, Laurie Shoaf, and Arianna Zibilich; Robert H. Reeves Silver Award – Stephen Marshall, Lori Collins, Craig Wade, Christine Sibley, and Sherry Keck; and Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award – Jeff Wakefield and Sarah Goodman. The HFMA Medal of Honor recognition was awarded to: Kevin A. Leder, CPA, Joseph E. Molis, FHFMA, and Rex Street. The John H. Ketner Award was presented to Elaine Peeler. Best Paper Awards presented to: $500  Kimberly Gore, Craig Brondyke, Bill Howard, and Amy Bibby – 501R Regulations And The Provider’s Responsibility; $300 Laurie Shoaf- Optimizing Self Pay Collections With Account Scoring And Segmentation; $100 Laurie Shoaf-Transform The Way You Manage Self Pay; $100 Sheldon Hamburger- A Conversation On BCPI Model 2,Part 1. The William H. Moffitt Scholarship was presented to Crystal Miller Moore, MHA Candidate at UNC-CH 2016. The NCHFMA “High Score” for the “Robert L Barber Certification Award” was awarded to Rodney E. Ball, CHFP. Chapter Life Membership was awarded by National to two members: Eb Preuninger and Steve Duncan. The Chapter submitted its 1st Chapter Strategic Innovation Funding application for Healthcare Women Leadership: Collaboration in Action & Early Careerist Networking.  The funding application was focused on Women in Leadership (Education Innovation Award) and Early Careerists (Networking Innovation Award). The Chapter ended the Chapter year with 914 members, of which 10.6% or 97 were certified.

James McElderry (Tim), CPA, MBA, President,  Special Projects Controller, Carolinas Healthcare System; Treasurer, Ken Vance, MBA, ACHE, President-elect, Senior Vice President, Healthcare, Bank Of America; Bill Bedsole, FACHE, FHFMA, Secretary, Chief Executive Officer, Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance; Carol Barron, FHFMA, MBA, MHA, Treasurer, Corporate Director, Business Development and Sales, Novant Health; Steve Duncan, Senior Account Executive, FirstPoint Resources, Greensboro, NC as Immediate Past President; Lyn White, Assistant Treasurer  and Kim Coker, MHA, Novant Health served as HFMA Region IV Regional Executive.

National HFMA recognized the chapter by awarding the: John M. Stagl Silver Award for Education for providing 16,586 hours of education averaging 18.6 hours per member; HFMA’s Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification with 89 Certified Members;  HFMA Bronze Award for Membership Growth and Retention by exceeding the 893 membership goal by ending the year with 902 members. The Chapter received two Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards: Member Service, “NASBA Certification and the value of CPE for NCHFMA”; and Member Communications, “Getting Social with NCHFMA”. The Chapter also shared four Multi-Chapter Helen M. Yerger Awards for Improvement; “Region IV Building a Better and Stronger Region” and “Region IV Initiative on the Potential Tax Implications in Sponsorship”; for collaboration “Charm City Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference” and “Certification Practicum Webinar”.

The Chapter recognized Founder’s Awards earned by the following members: Christine Sibley and Marcie Terry received the William G. Follmer Bronze Award; Rob DeLoach and Elaine Peeler received the Robert H. Reeves Silver Award; Michael Brown, FHFMA, Kenneth Vance, MBA, April York, Carol Barron, FHFMA, Jody Fleming, and Paula Greeno, FHFMA, received the Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award.

The chapter recognized Eb Preuninger. CHFP, FHFMA, Technology Committee Chair, with the John H. Ketner Award;  C Thomas Johnson with the Founders Medal of Honor; Malinda Brunner with the First Place Best Paper Award; Linda Darden with the Second Place Best Paper Award; Brad Brumbaugh and Adam Doyle each received Honorable Mention for Best Paper; Kenneth K. Boggs received the Robert L. Barber Certification; and Donald Whittington with  Chapter Life membership.

Of the 902 members, 170 participated in the Chapter Matrix.

Two Past Presidents passed away during the chapter year. The Chapter honored Larry Hughes, President 2005-2006, with a donation to The Larry Hughes ALS Foundation and Amelia Bryant, President 1996-1997, with a donation to Hopkins Chapel Baptist Church and Zebulon Baptist Church. The chapter recognizes Amelia’s tireless support being an integral part of NCHFMA leadership by renaming the NCHFMA Memorial Award given to recognize a member’s exemplary service provided to the chapter/health care industry as the NCHFMA Memorial Award dedicated to the memory of Roland Seals, Ron Russell, and Mary Amelia Bryant. As Amelia routinely provided NC Legislative Updates opening the Annual Meeting, the chapter established the “Amelia Bryant Distinguished Lecture” as the first education session at each Annual Meeting.  Each year the chapter honors speakers at NCFMA Annual and Summer Meetings through donations to charities in their honor.  Winter Meeting Speaker honorariums were given to Larry Vance Hughes ALS Foundation and Victory Junction for the Summer Meeting.

Steve Duncan, President, Senior Account Executive, FirstPoint Resources, Greensboro, NC; Tim McElderry, President-elect, Special Projects Controller, Carolinas Healthcare System; Treasurer, Ken Vance, Senior Vice President, Healthcare, Bank Of America; Bill Bedsole, FACHE,FHFMA, Secretary, Chief Executive Officer, Southern Atlantic Healthcare Alliance; Carol Barron, Assistant Treasurer, Corporate Director, Business Development and Sales, Novant Health; Kimberly Coker, Novant Health served as Immediate Past President and HFMA Region IV Regional Executive Elect, Kent Thompson FHFMA, Manager Dixon Hughes Goodman LLC served on the National Chapter Advancement Team. The Chapter received the Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education, The Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification and four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards: Member Service, “Celebrating 60 Years- Diamond Anniversary 2014 Annual Meeting”; Improvement, “Leadership Restructure”; Education, “Physician Practice Summit” and Innovation, “Community Service Projects-NCHFMA Gives Back”. The Chapter also shared in the Multi-Chapter Helen M. Yerger Award for the September 2014 Region IV Mid Atlantic Conference “Collaboration with Region IV Mid Atlantic Meeting”. The Chapter established the “Robert L. Barber Certification Award” in memory of Bob Barber for his contributions to the Chapter and his passion for certification and higher education. Amy Harrison Crews and Joseph Dolan received the Certification Award. Kevin Leder was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award and received First Place Best Paper Award. Michelle Reese received Second Place Best Paper Award and Ray Poole and Kathy Wood received Honorable Mention for Best Paper. Founder’s Awards were awarded to the following: Robin Nichols, Craig Wade and Michael Page received the William G. Follmer Bronze Award; Timothy Owens, Sharilyn Reese and Veda Williams received the Robert H. Reeves Silver Award; Sidney Stern and Cameron Thomason received the Frederick T. Muncie Gold Award. We ended the Chapter year with 893 members. 85 are certified. 107 members participated in the Chapter Matrix. 2013/14 charities were Habitat for Humanity and Wine to Water.

Kim Coker, MHA, President, Corporate Accounting Supervisor, Novant Health, Winston Salem, NC; Steve Duncan, President-elect, Senior Account Executive, FirstPoint Collection Resources Inc; Tim McElderry, Treasurer, Special Projects Controller, Carolinas Healthcare System, Ken Vance, Senior VP Healthcare, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.  Kent Thompson, Dixon Hughes Goodman served on the National Chapter Advancement Team.  Kimberly Coker, Novant Health, was elected Regional Executive Elect – for HFMA Region IV.  The Chapter received the following recognition: the Charles F Mehler Gold Award for Excellence in Education and four Helen M Yerger Special Recognition Awards for:  Member Communication – Re-Design of chapter website; Education – Revenue Cycle Roundtable; Membership Recruitment and Retention – Student Initiatives/Student Outreach on Networking and Business Careers in Health Care; Improvement – Sponsorship Program Transformation.  The chapter also shared in multi-chapter Helen M Yerger Award for the Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference in August 2012.  Camey Thomason was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award.  Medal of Honor winners were Ronald Cook, Philip Manz, and Kimberly Coker.  The Muncie Gold Merit Award was presented to Kevin Leder.  The Reeves Silver Merit Award was presented to Linda Crowshaw and Ken Vance.   The William G Follmer Merit Award was presented to Elaine Peeler.  Linda Darden was presented the Chapter’s Best Paper award, Anne McGeorge won second place and Kathy Wood and Lisa Walter earned Honorable Mention.  Three members were awarded Chapter Life Membership – Gladys Mills, retired member of Beaufort County Hospital; Oren Wyatt, FHFMA, retired Senior VP of Carolinas Healthcare System; and Lynwood White, FHFMA, CPA retired CFO of Randolph Hospital.  The Chapter created an Assistant Treasurer to assist the Treasurer.  The chapter year ended with 948 members and approximately 98 members participated in Matrix.  The chapter had 100 certified members.

Keith Boyd, President, Director of Patient Financial Services, Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC; Kim Coker, President-elect, Senior Accountant, High Point Regional Health System, Steve Duncan, Treasurer, Senior Account Executive, FirstPoint Collection Resources Inc.; Tim McElderry, Secretary, Special Projects Controller, Carolinas Healthcare System. Bunnie Overby, Director of Patient Financial Services at Alamance Regional Medical Center served on the National Chapter Advancement Team. The Chapter received the following recognition; The Charles F. Mehler Gold Award for Excellence in Education, the Henry C. Hottum Award for Educational Performance Improvement, and the Silver Award for Excellence for Member Growth and Retention. The Chapter also was awarded two Yerger Awards; one for Member Communication for the Tarheel Tidbits and the second for Member Service for the Certification Lunch & Learn Series. The Chapter received a perfect score of 100 on the Chapter Balanced Score Card. W. Dempsey Craig, Retired, Senior VPP & CFO from Sampson Regional Hospital was awarded Chapter Life Membership for his years of service to the Chapter. Carol Barron, Novant Health, was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Medal of Honor winners were Steve Duncan and Keith Boyd. The Muncie Gold Merit Award was awarded to C. Thomas Johnson and Joe Molis. The Reeves Silver Merit Award was presented to Jody Fleming, Carol Barron, April York, Cameron Thomason and Lisa Griffin. The Follmer Bronze Merit Award was presented to Chris Ellington, Mike Kennedy and John Lynch. The Chapter’s Bill Moffit Scholarships were awarded to Troy Spring and Julia Bottiny. Kevin Leder was presented the Chapter’s Best Paper award, Dan Carter won second place and Mike Snyder and Kevin Leder earned Honorable Mention. We ended the chapter year with 961 members. Approximately 163 members participated in the Matrix. The Chapter had 96 certified members.

Linda Darden, FHFMA, CPA, President, Compliance & Quality Officer Hospice & Palliative Care Center, Winston-Salem, NC; Keith L. Boyd, President-Elect, Director of Patient Financial Services, Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC, Kim Coker, Treasurer, Senior Accountant, High Point Regional Health System; Steve Duncan, Secretary, Senior Account Executive, FirstPoint, Inc., Pinehurst, NC. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Wayne Memorial Hospital, served as Regional Executive for HFMA Region IV. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolinas Healthcare System and Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center served on the Chapter Advancement Team. The Chapter received the following: the John M. Stagler Silver Award of Excellence for Education; the Bronze Award of Excellence for Membership Growth and Retention; the Gold Award of Excellence for Certification; and one Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Award for Member Service in connection with the online membership directory. The Chapter received a perfect 100 points on the Chapter Balanced Score Card. Tim McElderry, Carolinas HealthCare System, was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. The North Carolina Memorial Award was given posthumously to Ron Tomlinson, Past-President of the North Carolina Chapter, and was accepted by his family. Ron Petterson, retired Controller of High Point Regional Health System received the Professional Paper Award, and Brian Shannon received the second-place award. We ended the Chapter year with 932 members and approximately 96 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during this year. The chapter had 87 certified members.

W. Roger Stroud, CPA, President, Business Advisor, The Outsource Group, Charlotte, NC; Linda W Darden, CPA, FHFMA, President-Elect, Director of Financial Analysis and Special Projects, North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Winston-Salem, NC; Keith L. Boyd, Treasurer, Director of Patient Financial Services, Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC; Kimberly Coker, Secretary, Payroll Manager, High Point Regional Health System, High Point, NC. Kent Thompson, FHFMA, Director of Finance, Wayne Memorial Hospital was elected Regional Executive-Elect for Region IV. W. Christopher Johnson and Bunnie Overby served on the Chapter Advancement Team. Robert L. (Bob) Barber was selected for the National Certification Taskforce. The Chapter received the Charles F. Mehler Gold Award for Education; the C. Henry Hottum Award for Education Improvement; The Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification; and four Helen M Yerger Awards for: Collaboration – Speakers Gifts – A Way to Give Twice; Improvement – Cvent Online Registration; Innovation – Membership GIS and Multi-Chapter – Region IV, Mid-Atlantic Meeting. Bill J. Fuller, FHFMA was awarded Chapter Life Membership. The John H. Ketner Award was presented to Veda Williams. The Professional Paper Award went to Jeff Poley and Michael Larsen for New Schedule K to IRS Form 990 Imposes An Increased Burden on Hospitals with Tax-Exempt Debt; second place was awarded to Betty J. Herbert and Roger K Spivey for Payer Contact Performance: Full Circle Management. Honorable mentions – Bridget Moore and Bill Hayes for Medicare Advantage: No Longer Served at Steakhouses; and Sara Herron for Compliance Matters. The Chapter hosted the Mid-Atlantic Conference in Asheville, NC under the leadership of Chris Johnson and Bunnie Overby. The Chapter created the Chapter Services Council and eliminated the Pro-Action Council. We ended the year with 949 members. The Chapter had 84 certified members. 161 members participated in the Matrix.

Robert L. Barber, DHA, FHFMA, President, Director of Financial Services, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC; W. Roger Stroud, CPA, President-Elect, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Resource Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC; Linda W. Darden, CPA, FHFMA, Treasurer, Director of Financial Analysis and Special Projects, North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, NC; Keith L. Boyd, Secretary, Director of Patient Financial Services, Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolinas Healthcare System, served on the Chapter Advancement Team and the National Advisory Council/Revenue Cycle/Patient Financial Services Council; Bill Gutekunst, Southeastern Regional Medical Center, served on the Healthcare Compliance Forum Advisory Council. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Wayne Memorial Hospital, was elected Regional Executive-Elect-Elect for HFMA Region IV. Bunnie Overby was appointed to the Chapter Advancement Team. The Chapter received the following: the Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education; the Bronze Award of Excellence for Membership Growth and Retention; the Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification; and two Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for “NCHFMA Feeds the Second Harvest Food Bank” and “Presenting Professional Ethics at the Annual Meeting.” The chapter also shared in the multi-chapter Helen M. Yerger Award for the Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference in May 2008. The Chapter received a perfect 100 points on the Chapter Balanced Score Card. Carol R. Barron, Novant Health received the Eugene J. Sandleback Award as the national high scorer on the CHFP Managed Care Examination. Ken Vance, Bank of America, was the recipient of the Chapter’s JohnH. Ketner Award. Bob E. Duncan, FHFMA, retired CFO of High Point Regional Health System, was posthumously awarded the North Carolina Chapter Memorial Award and the Chapter’s annual CFO Forum was named the “Bob E. Duncan CFO Forum.” Trent Messick, Member, Dixon Hughes, PLLC, received the Professional Paper Award, Ferah Syed was awarded second place, and Nancy White and Brian Ackerman received honorable mention. Robert L. Newton, FHFMA, retired CFO of Moses Cone Health System was awarded Chapter Life Membership. We ended the Chapter year with 1,028 members and approximately 178 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during this year. The chapter had 82 certified members.

Snow Coriale-Roche, MPA, President, Patient Account Manager, Wilson Medical Center, Wilson, NC; Robert L. Barber, DHA, FHFMA, President-Elect, Director of Financial Services, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC; W. Roger Stroud, CPA, Treasurer, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Resource Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC; Linda W. Darden, CPA, FHFMA, Secretary, Director of Financial Analysis and Special Projects, North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, NC. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolina Healthcare System, served on the Chapter Advancement Team and the National Advisory Council. W. Dempsey Craig, Retired, served on the National Advisory Council. Keith A. Moore, FHFMA served on the Board of Examiners. The Chapter received Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education and three Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards with two for Education (NC HFMA Research and Education on NC Hospitals’ Current Practices Regarding Implantable Devices; and North Carolina Health Insurance Institute) and one for innovation (Implementation of the Chapter Financial Management Committee). The Chapter held its 2nd Annual CFO Forum in coordination with the South Carolina Hospital Association. Kim Coker, High Point Regional Health System, was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Bob E. Duncan, FHFMA, retired CFO of High Point Regional Health System was awarded Chapter Life Member. Steve Stang, CPA and Adam Kalarovich received the Professional Paper Award for “Measuring Charity Care and Community Benefits and Tim McElderry was awarded second place for “NPI Update”. The Chapter awarded Founders Award to fifteen members. We ended the Chapter year with 1,017 members and approximately 115 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during this year. The chapter had 80 certified members.

W. Dempsey Craig, President, Retired, Clinton, NC; Snow Coriale-Roche, MPA, President-Elect, Patient Account Manager, Wilson Medical Center, Wilson, NC; Robert L. Barber, DHA, FHFMA, Treasurer, Director of Payer Contract Compliance, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC; W. Roger Stroud, CPA, Secretary, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Resource Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolina Healthcare System, served on the Chapter Advancement Team and the National Advisory Council. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Lexington Memorial Hospital served on the National Advisory Council. The Chapter received the Robert M. Shelton Award for Sustained Excellence; C. Henry Hottum Award for Educational Performance Improvement; Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education; Bronze Award of Excellence for Membership Growth and Retention and one Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Award for NC HFMA Tours State with Timely Education on NPI, UB04, and CMS1500. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Lexington Memorial Hospital, was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center was the recipient of the North Carolina Chapter Memorial Award. Ryan M. Hampton, Paystream Advisors received the Professional Paper Award. Ronald D. Tomlinson, FHFMA, retired CFO of Wilson Medical Center was awarded Chapter Life Member. We ended the Chapter year with 1,033 members and approximately 135 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during this year. The chapter had 89 certified members.

Larry V. Hughes, CPA, President, Dixon-Hughes, Boone, NC; W. Dempsey Craig, President-Elect, Retired, Clinton, NC; Snow Coriale-Roche, MPA, Treasurer, Patient Account Manager, Wilson Medical Center, Wilson, NC; Robert L. Barber, DHA, FHFMA, Secretary, Director of Payer Contract Compliance, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC. W.Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolinas Healthcare System, served as Regional Executive for Region IV for HFMA and served on the Board of Examiners and Chapter Advancement Team for HFMA. Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center served on the PFS Forum Advisory Council. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Lexington Memorial Hospital served on the National Advisory Council. Keith A. Moore, FHFMA, Duke University Health System, National HFMA Board of Examiners Member. The Chapter received the Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education, the Bronze Award of Excellence for Membership Growth and Retention, the Silver Award of Excellence for New Member Retention, the Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification and four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Education – HFMA Joint Seminar; Membership Recruitment and Retention – Increasing the Fun Quotient for HFMA Members; Membership Recruitment and Retention- CFO Forum; Multi-Chapter Award for the Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference. Gladys J. Mills, CHFP, Beaufort County Hospital was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Denise Fetters, Wake Forest University Health Sciences received the Professional Paper Award. The Chapter awarded the Founders Award to fifteen members. We ended the Chapter year with 1,008 members and approximately 145 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during the year. The chapter had 84 certified members.

Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, President, Lexington Memorial Hospital, Lexington, NC; Larry V. Hughes, CPA, President, Dixon Hughes PLLC, Boone, NC; W. Dempsey Craig, Treasurer, Sampson Regional Medical Center, Clinton, NC; Snow Coriale Roche, MPA, Secretary, WakeMed Raleigh Hospital, Raleigh, NC. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolina Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC was elected 2005-06 Regional Executive Elect for Region IV for HFMA. Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center served on the PFS Forum Advisory Council. Keith A. Moore, FHFMA, Duke University Health System, National HFMA Board of Examiners Member. The Chapter received the Charles F. Mehler Gold Award of Excellence for Education, the C. Henry Hottum Award for Educational Performance Improvement, the Silver Award of Excellence for Membership Growth and Retention, the Silver Award of Excellence for Chapter Performance in Certification and four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Membership Recruitment and Retention, Education (Workshop Road Shows & Increase in Senior Financial Executive Participation) and Certification. Ron Petterson, High Point Regional Health System was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Mike Duke, The Crito Group, received the Professional Paper Award. We ended the Chapter year with 964 members and approximately 175 members participated on the Chapter Matrix during this year. The chapter had 73 certified members.

Angela Deans, FHFMA, President, Wilson Medical Center, Wilson, NC; Kent Thompson, FHFMA, President-Elect, Lexington Memorial Hospital, Lexington, NC; Larry Hughes, CPA, Treasurer, Dixon Hughes PLLC, Boone, NC; W. Dempsey Craig, Secretary, Sampson Regional Medical Center, Clinton, NC. W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC was appointed to the National Board of Examiners for HFMA and he was also elected 2005 Regional Executive-elect for Region IV for HFMA. Bonnie Lovell, FHFMA, High Point Regional Health System, High Point, NC was appointed Chair of the National HFMA Managed Care Forum; Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center, was appointed to the PFS Forum Advisory Council for a three year term beginning June2004. Keith A. Moore, FHFMA, Duke University Health System, National HFMA Board of Examiners Member. NC HFMA celebrated its 50th Anniversary in January2004. The Chapter received the Gold Award of Excellence in Education, the Silver Award of Excellence in Membership Growth, and the Silver Award of Excellence for Certification. The Chapter also received eight Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards in the following areas: Education – (Multi-Chapter Entry for Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference) (Revenue Cycle Workshop) (NCHFMA Celebrates 50 Years-Annual Meeting); Improvement – (Ad Revenue Soars) (Annual Medicare Workshop); Innovation – (Managed Care Scorecard); Member Communications – (Go for the Gold-Special 50th Anniversary Edition, The Tarheel News); Member Service – (Marketing Two Sponsorship Programs). Kathie M. Cipriano, Professional Recovery Consultants, Inc., Durham, NC, was the recipient of the Chapter’s John H. Ketner Award. Amelia Bryant, FHFMA, North Carolina Hospital Association, Raleigh, NC was the recipient of the NC Chapter Memorial Award. Michael P. Rauchwarg received the Professional Paper Award. We ended the Chapter year with 913 members and approximately 160 members participated on the Chapter Matrix organization during this year. The chapter had 71 certified members.

Millie R. Harding, CPA, FHFMA, President, North Carolina Hospital Association, Cary, NC. Angela V. Deans, FHFMA, President-Elect, Wilson Medical Center, Wilson, NC. Kent C. Thompson, FHFMA, Treasurer, Lexington Memorial Hospital, Lexington, NC. Larry V. Hughes, CPA, Secretary, Crisp Hughes Evans LLP, Boone, NC. Amelia Bryant, FHFMA, National HFMA Board Member, University Health Systems, Greenville, NC. Bunnie B. Overby, Regional Executive for Region 4, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC. Randy B. Medlin, FHFMA, National HFMA Advisory Council member, Stanly Memorial Hospital, Albemarle, NC. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA, National HFMA Board of Examiners member, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC. Chapter received the Gold Award of Excellence in Education, the Hottum Award for Education Performance Improvement, the Bronze Award of Excellence in Membership Growth, and the Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification. Chapter also received four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards in the following areas: Collaboration with State and National Organizations, Improvement (Partnership with Sponsors; Documenting/Reporting Founders Points), and Multi-Chapter Collaboration/Performance in Education (2002Region 4 Mid-Atlantic Conference). Carol Hoxie, FHFMA, CPA, received the Chapter’s Ketner Award. Robert L. Barber received the Professional Paper Award. Ended the chapter year with 872 members and 177 members participating on Chapter Matrix organization during the year. The chapter had 64 certified members.

W. Christopher Johnson, FHFMA President, Carolina HealthCare System, Charlotte, NC; Millie Harding, FHFMA, CPA, President-Elect, NC Hospital Association, Cary, NC; Angela Deans, FHFMA, Treasurer, Wilson Memorial Hospital, Wilson, NC; Larry Hughes, CPA, Secretary, Crisp Hughes Evans, LLP, Boone, NC. Amelia Bryant, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC, was a National HFMA Board Member. Charles L. Acker received the NC Chapter Memorial Award and Snow Coriale Roche received the Ketner Award. Robert L. Barber received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter received the Gold Award for Excellence, the Bronze Award for Excellence in Certification, the Silver Award for Excellence in Membership Growth and Retention, Award for Multi-Chapter Participation in Region IV Mid-Atlantic Conference and six Helen Yerger Awards. Randy B. Medlin, Stanly Memorial Hospital is appointed to a two-year term on the National Advisory Council. Bunnie B. Overby, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC, is Region IV Chapter Liaison Representative-elect. The chapter had 60 certified members.

Randy Medlin, FHFMA, President, Stanly Memorial Hospital, Albemarle, NC. Christopher Johnson, CHFP, President-Elect, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC. Millie Harding, FHFMA, CPA, Treasurer, NC Hospital Association, Cary, NC. Angela Deans, FHFMA, Secretary, Wilson Memorial Hospital, Wilson, NC. Amelia Bryant, National HFMA Board Member, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC. Steve Duncan received the John H. Ketner Award with Bonnie Lovell and Matthew Roberts receiving the Professional Paper Award. The chapter received the Gold Award of Excellence for Education, the C. Henry Hottum Award for Educational Performance Improvement, the Bronze Award of Excellence for Membership Growth, the Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification, and four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Education (Annual Meeting), Member Communications (Newsletter Ad Revenue Improvement), Member Services (Diversify Locations of Educational Workshops) and Multi-Chapter Education (Region IV Conference). Introduced “Member News Brief”, an e-mail message and information update service and a “dashboard” to monitor key strategic indicators during the year to keep the Board and members informed of our status. The “ProAction” Council, working with NCHA, were successful in educating legislators of the need for “prompt pay” legislation in the state of NC which was successfully passed the following year. The chapter had 58 certified members.

1999-2000      Bunnie Overby, President, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC; Randy Medlin, FHFMA, President-Elect, Stanly Memorial Hospital, Albemarle, NC; Christopher Johnson, CHFP, Treasurer, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC; Millie Harding, FHFMA, CPA, Secretary, NC Hospital Association, Cary, NC. Bill Bedsole received the John H. Ketner Award and Patrick Easterling and Joy Thomas received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter received the Gold Award of Excellence for Education, the Bronze Award of Excellence for Certification and seven Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Education (2000 Annual Meeting), Improvement (1999 Summer Institute; Strategic Plan and Planning Process; CQI Survey Methodology), Member Communication (Newsletter) and Member Service (Meeting the APC Challenge; Guide for Retention of Hospital Records). The chapter had 58 certified members.

1998-1999      Steve Moore, CPA, President, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Washington, DC. Bunnie Overby, President-Elect, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC. Randy B. Medlin, Treasurer, Stanly Memorial Hospital, Albemarle, NC. Christopher Johnson, CHFP, Secretary, Carolinas Healthcare System, Charlotte, NC. Amelia Bryant, Chapter Liaison Representative, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC. Christopher Johnson, CHFP, received the John H. Ketner Award. Susan Phelps received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter received the Gold Award for Excellence for Education and four Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Member Communications (newsletter), Membership Recruitment and Retention (Mentor Program), Collaboration (Medicare Workshop), and Improvement (Sponsorship Program). The Board approved the William “Bill” Moffitt North Carolina Chapter Scholarship and Internship “Mentor” Program, which will, among other things, provide annually two $500 scholarships to outstanding students. The chapter had 58 certified members.

1997-1998      Linda L. Brisson, President, Executive Director, Bladen Medical Associates, Elizabethtown, NC. Stephen Moore, President-Elect, Coopers & Lybrand, LLP, Raleigh, NC. Bunnie Overby, Treasurer, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC. Randy B. Medlin, Secretary, Stanly Memorial Hospital, Albemarle, NC. Amelia Bryant, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, will be serving as the Chapter Liaison Representative-elect. Linda Brisson appointed to National Matrix. Chapter received the Robert M. Shelton award for five years of sustained excellence. Received the Gold Award of Excellence, The C. Henry Hottum Gold Award for Education Performance Improvement and six Helen M. Yerger Special Recognition Awards for Education, Member Services, Innovation, Multi-Chapter Award for Education, Improvement, Membership Recruitment and Retention. P. J. Tomolonius received the Ketner Award. Robert L. Barber received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter had 56 certified members.

1996-1997      Charles L. Acker, President, Carteret General Hospital, Morehead City, NC. Linda L. Brisson, President-Elect; Stephen M. Moore, Treasurer; and Bunnie B. Overby, Secretary. Carolyn C. Ward served on National Matrix. Amelia Bryant, Past President, elected Chapter Liaison Representative Elect for Region IV. Don Whittington, Past President, received the NC Chapter Memorial Award. Randy B. Medlin received the John H. Ketner Award. David Glasgow and Joy Thomas received the Professional Paper Award. Chapter membership reached 839 and scored 290 points (most in nation) under revamped GLD system. Chapter awarded runner-up in Hottum League. Chapter received three Outstanding Achievement awards for Newsletter, Education and Membership Recruitment. The chapter had 55 certified members.

1995-1996      Amelia Bryant, President, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, NC. Charles Acker, President-Elect; Linda L. Brisson, Treasurer; and Stephen M. Moore, Secretary. Bunnie Overby received the Ketner Award Robert L. Newton and Joy Thomas received the Professional Paper Award. Dennis Coffey served as CLR for Region IV and on the GLD Taskforce. Chapter achieved 833 members and scored 359 GLD points. Chapter awarded first runner-up in Hottum League for Chapter Excellence. Received Outstanding Achievement Awards for Education, Membership Recruitment, Membership Retention, Newsletter and ProAction in the Hottum League. The chapter had 48 certified members.

1994-1995      Deborah Whittington, President, Controller, Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital, Dunn, NC. Amelia Bryant, President-Elect; Charles Acker, Vice President, Linda Brisson, Secretary, Stephen Moore, Treasurer. Charles Acker received the Ketner Award. Thomas Stukes received the Professional Paper Award. Angela Deans and John Graeter served on the North Carolina Health Planning Commission representing our membership. Chapter awarded second place in Hottum league for Chapter Excellence. The chapter had 44 certified members.

1993-1994      Dennis Coffey, President, Assistant Administrator, Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital, Dunn, NC. Deborah Whittington, President-Elect; Amelia Bryant, Vice President; Charles Acker, Secretary; Phil Manz, Treasurer. Linda Brisson received the Ketner Award. Kathleen Dalton received the Professional Paper Award. Carolyn Ward served on National Matrix and co-chairman for the 1994 ANI Committee for Region IV. Total GLD score for the year was 316 points. Chapter developed a multi-year plan and met 75 percent of those goals. The chapter had 36 certified members.

1992-1993      Carolyn Carroll Ward, President, Assistant Director of Financial Services, NC Hospital Association in Raleigh. Dennis Coffey, President Elect; Deborah Whittington, Vice President; Amelia Bryant, Secretary; Charles Acker, Treasurer. Amelia Bryant received the Ketner Award. Bob Newton received the Professional Paper Award and served on the National Nominating Committee. Carolyn Ward appointed to National Matrix. Rich Rollins selected to serve on National GLD Task Force. Chapter placed first in the Hottum League. Received Honorable Mention for newsletter. The chapter had 33 certified members.

1991-1992      Rich Rollins, President, Partner, Coopers & Lybrand, Charlotte; Carolyn Carroll, President Elect; Dennis Coffey, Vice President; Deborah Whittington, Secretary; and Amelia Bryant, Treasurer. Davin Brown received the Ketner Award. Belinda Tilley received the NC Memorial Award. Cynthia Shimko received the Professional Paper Award. Don Whittington served on a National Task Force on Organization and Structure. Chapter placed first in Gerald League. First place for Best Task Force and Newsletter. Robert L. Barber received the Eugene J. Sandleback Award as National High Scorer on the CMPA Examination. The chapter had 30 certified members.

1990-1991      Bill Fuller, President, Annie Penn Memorial Hospital, Reidsville; Rich Rollins, President Elect; Carolyn Carroll, Vice President; Dennis Coffey, Secretary; Deborah Whittington, Treasurer. Roger Kishman received the Ketner Award, Kelly Lanier received the Professional Paper Award. Chapter received the best Chapter Newsletter Award in our league. Chapter received honorable mention for best project. Don Whittington served as CLR for the region. Bob Duncan served on a National Task Force on Certification. The chapter had 28 certified members.

1989-1990      Bob Duncan, President, CFO High Point Regional Hospital, High Point; Bill Fuller, President Elect; Rich Rollins, Vice President; Carolyn Carroll, Secretary; Dennis Coffey, Treasurer. Don Whittington received the Ketner Award, Jerry Ritchie and Steven Wilhoit received the Professional Paper Awards. Don Dunbar served as National Director for a two-year term. Bob Newton was appointed to the National Principals and Practices Board for a three-year term. Chapter received honorable mention for the Membership Service Plan. Chapter placed third in the GLD League. The chapter had 23 certified members.

1988-1989      Donald Whittington, President, Assistant Vice President Finance, Southeastern General Hospital, Lumberton; Bob Duncan, President Elect; Bill Fuller, Vice President; Rich Rollins, Secretary; Carolyn Carroll, Treasurer. Deborah Whittington received the Ketner Award, Rich Rollins and Stuart Smith received the Professional Paper Awards. John William “Bill” Moffitt received the Memorial Award. The chapter placed second in the GLD League, also received honorable mention from National for membership growth. The chapter had 20 certified members.

1987-1988      Marshall Roberson, President, Deloitte, Haskins & Sells; Don Whittington, President Elect; Bob Duncan, Vice President; Bill Fuller, Secretary; Rich Rollins, Treasurer. Dennis Coffey received the Ketner Award, Belinda Tilley and Phil Williams received the Professional Paper Awards. The chapter had 17 certified members.

1986-1987      Jerry Ritchie, President, Patient Finance Manager, Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Winston-Salem; Marshall Roberson, President Elect; Don Whittington, Vice President; Bob Duncan, Secretary; Bill Fuller, Treasurer. Ken Boggs, received the Ketner Award, Dean Harris received the Professional Paper Award. Dick Clarke became the new HFMA National President. Chapter won a special award for a project. Don Dunbar served as Chapter Liaison Representative for the region. Russ Guerin

1985-1986      Belinda Tilley, President, Director of Billings and Collections, Duke University Medical Center, Durham; Jerry Ritchie, President Elect; Marshall Roberson, Vice President; Don Whittington, Secretary; Bob Duncan, Treasurer. Bill Major received the Ketner Award, John Ennis received the Professional Paper Award, Ron Russell was posthumously honored with the Memorial Award. Chapter won the award for the best Membership Service Plan. The Chapter completed a project on Hospital Billing and Collections Analysis, and National used this project to help develop the AR Analysis which is still being used. The chapter had 16 certified members.

1984-1985      Oren Wyatt, President, Vice President, Cleveland Memorial Hospital, Shelby; Belinda Tilley, President Elect; Jerry Ritchie, Vice President; Marshall Roberson, Secretary; Don Whittington, Treasurer. Pete Snow received the Ketner Award, Gerald Hewitt received the Professional Paper Award. The Chapter joined in a joint venture with University of North Carolina, Arthur Young and National HFMA to prepare a research paper on “Future Roles of the Financial Managers.” This paper was presented at the Annual National Institute. The chapter had 16 certified members. 

1983-1984      Donald Dunbar, President, Controller, Wilson Memorial Hospital, Wilson; Oren Wyatt, President Elect; Belinda Tilley, Vice President; Jerry Ritchie, Secretary; Marshall Roberson, Treasurer. Carolyn Carroll received the Ketner Award, T. Robert Ward received the Professional Paper Award, Robert L. Newton, FHFMA, received the Memorial Award. The chapter had 15 certified members.

1982-1983      Warren “Bud” Taylor, President, Assistant Administrator, Memorial Hospital of Alamance County, Burlington; Don Dunbar, President Elect; Oren Wyatt, Vice President; Belinda Tilley, Secretary; Jerry Ritchie, Treasurer. Don Dunbar received the Ketner Award, Bill Oviatt received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter had 13 certified members

1981-1982      Marion Safriet, President, CFO Annie Penn Hospital, Reidsville; Warren Taylor, President Elect; Don Dunbar, Vice President; Oren Wyatt, Secretary; Belinda Tilley, Treasurer. Robert L. Newton received the Ketner Award, Warren Taylor received the Professional Paper Award. The chapter had 11 certified members

1980-1981      David “Dave” Clarke, President, was Director of Reimbursement Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina; Marion Safriet, President Elect; Warren “Bud” Taylor, Vice President; Don Dunbar, Secretary; Oren Wyatt, Treasurer. Oren Wyatt received the Ketner Award, Rich Rollins received the Professional Paper Award, Roland Seals was posthumously honored with the NCHFMA Memorial Award. The chapter had 10 certified members.

1979-1980      Robert Newton, President, employed at Charlotte Memorial Hospital; with Dave Clarke, President Elect; Marion Safriet, Vice President; Warren “Bud” Taylor, Secretary; and Donald Dunbar, Treasurer. Belinda Tilley received the Ketner Award and the Professional Paper Award. The chapter had 10 certified members.

1978-1979      Ronald Russell, President, was Chief Financial Officer at Stanly County Hospital, Albemarle. Charles Overstreet received Professional Paper Award with Gene Cochrane receiving the Ketner Award. The chapter had 8 certified members.

1977-1978      Gerald Hewitt, President, was Vice President at North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Henry Parker received the John H. Ketner Award. The chapter had 7 certified members.

1976-1977      Marvin “Johnny” Bryan was President and Jane Martin received the John Ketner Award. The chapter had 6 certified members.

1975-1976      Dan Powell, President, employed at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina; Johnny Bryan, President Elect; Jerry Hewitt, Vice President; Nina Waite, Secretary and Ron Russell, Treasurer. The Chapter sponsored the first Tri-State meeting in Greensboro, with a summer meeting in Nags Head. Lucille Capps received the John H. Ketner Award. The chapter had 4 certified members.

1974-1975      Vann Camp, President, employed by Mountain Sanitarium and Hospital in Fletcher as Controller with Dan Powell, President Elect; Johnny Bryan, Vice President; Lucille Capps, Secretary; and Jerry Hewitt, Treasurer. Ron Lockbaum served as Director, National HFMA and Ron Tomlinson was a member on the National Matrix. Edward R. Koehler received the John H. Ketner Award.

1973-1974      Henry Scott, President, employed at Wake Memorial in Raleigh. Chapter received National top award, the Graham L. Davis Award for service. Vann Camp, John Ketner, Bill McSwain served on standby task force for National HFMA. McSwain was Chairman. Bob Newton conducted the Chapter’s first workshop for members interested in taking the CMPA exam. Ronald A. Russell received the John H. Ketner Award.

1972-1973      Roland Seals, President, employed at Scotland Memorial in Laurinburg, with Henry Scott, President Elect, Paul Manley, Vice President; Nina Waite, Secretary; and Vann Camp, Treasurer. Ron Tomlinson was appointed as National Liaison Specialist for our region. Jeff Steinert was a member of the National Nominating Committee. NCHFMA joined with Appalachian State University to put on a program regarding reporting, planning and analyzing hospital finance. An ad-hoc committee of three was appointed to consider de-centralization of the North Carolina Chapter. After much deliberation and trial, the idea was abandoned. Elaine Henderson and Gerald N. Hewitt were awarded the John H. Ketner Award.

1971-1972      Ronald Tomlinson, President, employed as Controller, Wilson Memorial Hospital, with Roland Seals, President Elect; Henry Scott, Vice President; Nina Waite, Secretary; and Vann Camp, Treasurer. The Chapter celebrated the National HFMA Silver Anniversary on March 23, 1972, with 139 members. First joint venture with the North Carolina Hospital Association and North Carolina Insurance Council. Task Force appointed and HFMA invited to work with North Carolina Hospital Association, Duke Endowment, Medicare and Medicaid to study cash flow. Jeff Steinert was appointed as a member of AHA advisory panel on Uniform Billing. John William Moffitt received the first John H. Ketner Award.

1970-1971      Ronald Lockbaum, President, employed at Duke University Hospital; Ron Tomlinson, Vice President; Henry Scott, Treasurer; Nina Waite, Secretary. George Harris from the Duke Endowment was awarded Chapter Life Membership. Twenty-two members Nationally passed CMPA exam, and North Carolina’s Walter Parris was first in the class. First Chapter matrix was on Friday, September 11, 1970. Chapter received a Special Award at the HFMA Annual National Institute for adopting the Matrix concept.

Hamilton “Ham” Hudson, President, employed as Administrator, Davis County Hospital; Ron Lockbaum, Vice President; Johnny Bryan, Treasurer; and Ron Tomlinson, Secretary. The average annual salary for Fellows is $20,000. The name changed from American Association of Hospital Accountants to North Carolina Hospital Financial Management Association. The Chapter had 85 members.

1968-1969      Raymond Rich, President, employed at Blue Cross and Hamilton Hudson, Vice-President.

1967-1968      Kenneth Barnett, President; Ray Rich, Vice President; Jerry Brooks, Secretary; and Ronald Lockbaum, Treasurer. National Survey shows average daily cost in hospitals to be $61 with prediction that the average cost would rise to $70 by 1970 and then level off. Bill McSwain became the Chapter’s second Fellow.

1966-1967      Thomas Surratt, President, employed at Moore Memorial Hospital, in Pinehurst with Ken Barnett, Vice President, Alex Couch, Secretary; Bert Crowell, Treasurer. January 24-26, the First Regional Institute, which included South Carolina and Tennessee Chapters, was held at the Jack Tar Hotel in Durham, hosted by the North Carolina Chapter. Medicare introduced with many statewide meetings with Chapter sponsorship at the first meeting in Durham. The speakers were Alex McMahon, Carlie Sessoms, Marion Perrin. Chapter followed up conducting a series of statewide meetings.

1965-1966      William “Bill” McSwain, President, employed as Controller, Gaston Memorial Hospital in Gastonia. Tom Surrett was Vice President, Lolita Smith was Secretary and Reginald Rawls was Treasurer.

1964-1965      Earl Tyndall, President, employed at North Carolina Memorial Hospital.

1963-1964      William J. Walther, President, employed by North Carolina Baptist Hospital, in Winston-Salem.

1962 & 1963   Paul Ellison, President; Administrator of Lawrence Hospital, Mooresville. Chapter adopted Bylaws and Constitution. Marion Foster, President and Chief Executive Officer of the North Carolina Hospital Association, is made an Honorary Member; meeting registration fee increased from $3 to $5. September 1963, in Charlotte, the Chapter had first joint institute with Southern Consumer Credit Clinic. November 1963 Chapter Board of Director approved a scrapbook to be prepared regarding chapter

1961                Clyde Graham, President; Controller, Memorial Mission Hospital in Asheville. The Chapter won a National “Special Award” and the bank balance at December 31, 1960, was $624.

1960                John Ketner, FHFMA President, was employed as Assistant Administrator, Cabarrus Memorial in Concord.

1958 & 1959   George Dixon, President, was employed at High Point Memorial Hospital, High Point. John Ketner became the Chapter’s first Fellow in 1959.

1957                John W. “Bill” Moffitt, President, was employed at Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. The application fee was $10.00 with the Chapter membership at 70.

1955 & 1956   Oscar Marvin, President, was employed as Assistant Administrator of City Memorial Hospital, Winston-Salem. On Wednesday, May 23 William M. Pierce was Chapter’s first national speaker. John M. “Bill” Moffitt, Vice President; Thelma Myers, Secretary; E.R. Crater, Treasurer, with a Chapter membership of 68 members.

1954                January 19 the North Carolina Chapter received the charter with 54 charter members. W.W. “Bill” Black was first President; he was employed at Alamance County Hospital, Burlington.