Chapter Advancement Team (CATs)

Chapter Resource Center » Association/Region Committees » Chapter Advancement Team (CATs)

The Chapter Advancement Team (CAT) can assist chapters with strategic planning, succession planning, volunteer recruitment, evaluating education programming, membership recruitment and retention strategies, or meeting facilitation. After a facilitation, chapter leaders feel more focused, energized and committed to making the chapter year a success. Learn how a CAT consultation can benefit your chapter and access the scheduling form.

What is the Chapter Advancement Team Program?

The purpose of the Chapter Advancement Team Program is to build stronger chapters, one at a time. The program is totally voluntary and may be initiated at any time during the year by the chapter. Trained volunteer consultants work with individual chapters to expand the scope, quality, and quantity of services provided to members. Consultants have tools to guide chapters in:

  • Strategic planning
  • Leadership development
  • Chapter assessment and improvement

Why would our chapter want to participate?

Participation can help you bring value to the membership through:

  • Leadership development and volunteer participation
  • Enhanced chapter operations and programs
  • Planning for the future
  • Managing changes in systems, structure, skills, and culture

How does the program work?

Chapters participate in the program for many different reasons…it could be that education attendance is decreasing, or there is a need to increase volunteer participation, or the chapter wants to provide education to a new market segment. The first step is to define your chapter’s goals for the consultation. The next step will be the assignment of a HFMA CAT consultant(s) to work with your chapter.

The consultants and chapter will work together to define the scope of the project and suggest strategies on how to accomplish the work. This usually involves several conference calls, and one or two on-site meetings, all of which can take place during a 12 to 24 month time period.

What expenses are associated with the CAT Program?

Chapters are expected to pay the travel and lodging costs for the CAT consultants for any visits and any related meeting costs.

How do I begin?

Complete the online questionnaire. You will receive a confirmation email that your request has been received. HFMA chapter relations staff will follow up with you personally for any other details needed for the consultation.

Online application to schedule a facilitation

Questions asked during a chapter planning call with CATs

Who are the Chapter Advancement Team members?

  • Marci Mollman, 2024-25 chair
  • Michelle Brandt, 2024-25 co-chair
  • Marcia Leighton
  • Michael Rossi
  • Chad Krcil
  • Christine Aucreman
  • Jenny Peterson

Information about becoming a CAT member:

For assistance or inquiries, email the Volunteer Experience Team