Rich Daly
About the Author
Rich Daly is senior editor, policy affairs with HFMA, based in Alabama. His healthcare policy and finance reporting experience includes staff writer positions with Modern Healthcare and Congressional Quarterly (both focused on healthcare regulatory and legislative developments); editor-in-chief of 340B Report (the only news outlet focused on daily policy, legal, and business developments in the 340B program); and serving as a content director for Sg2/Vizient Inc (producing reports on financial pain points and solutions for health systems). He previously covered daily news for HFMA and wrote features for Healthcare Financial Management magazine, where his recognitions included the Stephen Barr Award (the only individual achievement award) from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.
Latest Work
How hospitals’ labor cost responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, differed and what the lessons learned mean for the future
The pandemic forced aggressive hospital cost controls to offset a historic revenue collapse. Labor cost control was key to that response and could see long-term implications.
Providers urge Congress to act quickly on COVID-19 assistance, value-based payment
Hospitals and other providers are urging the lame-duck Congress to provide more COVID-19 provider relief and to tweak rules for physicians in value-based payment models.
Chronic conditions, other health issues have worsened during the pandemic, physician survey finds
The health of patients, including those with chronic diseases, is worsening during the pandemic, say clinicians.
Democratic advisers expect new (and some continued) healthcare policies under Biden
A Biden administration is likely to try new healthcare policy approaches and to build on some from the Trump administration, say Democratic advisers.
Could value-based payment be used to shore up the Medicare trust fund?
September estimates that the Medicare hospital trust fund will be insolvent by 2024 could mean value-based payment will play a role in buttressing the fund.
HHS seeks hospitals to administer new COVID-19 treatment
HHS is hoping hospitals will help administer a new COVID-19 treatment to non-hospitalized patients with the disease.
How a lame-duck Congress could affect hospital finances
The existing Congress and the Trump administration could take a range of steps in the coming weeks that would have major financial ramifications for hospitals.
Hospitals lead October job gains in healthcare sector
Hospitals were the biggest gainer in October jobs among healthcare organizations, although they have not restored all jobs shed earlier this year.
Provider Relief Fund update: HHS drops requirement for providers to net attributable expenses
The latest change to Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements may allow providers to retain more federal COVID-19 assistance grants thanks to tweaked definitions around lost revenue..
For hospitals, Biden’s healthcare policies include many unknowns
Presidential front-runner Joe Biden has far-reaching healthcare policy proposals, but many details and outcomes remain unknown.